Gokarna, Uttara Kannada
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Gokarna, Uttara Kannada
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This place (around 2 acres) is located enroute the most prominent beaches *OM BEACH* and is amidst a terrain of greens in the valley. The location (Vaitrani) is amidst the most upcoming and significant properties in Gokarna and with clear titles to the property, will soon be the most sought after real estate catches. The property is attractive to various investors owing to it's untouched wilderness in a long time (more than 50 years) and the primeness of it's geographical location.
In an event, that you feel interested in pursuing a negotiation, we will be happy to engage with you one-on-one for a mutually beneficial and a suitable commercial close.
Warm regards
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2322.58 sq.m Ground Floor
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