Dodamarg, Goa
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Dodamarg, Goa
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Land is across goa boarder into Maharashtra. Close to Vijaydurg Fort.
Clear title table top continuous land over looking at the Arabian sea.
Connected to coastal highway between goa & Ratnagiri (35kms).
2.5 hours distance from north goa border which is a major tourist area.
Clear Title Acquisition within a day as its one person owned estate.
This land comes with a 1km private white sand beach on the left and a beautiful rock beach on the right while facing the open sea with beautiful Vijaydurg fort view.
Land has no farming activity at present or presence of mangroves.
Lush green area with beautiful night sky for star gazing along with 600 plus dolphins along the beautiful isolated beach adjacent to the property.
Converting the land title to non agriculture/commercial use is included in the price. Including all land related approvals if you wish to use it for commercial use.
The plot is off the main coastal highway which takes around 2 hours by road from goa Mopa international airport.
Also Mumbai goa cruise ships have a stop over in less then 500 meters from the property.
Ideal for setting up any industry like 5 star beach resort/warehousing/ solar /mango orchid also, ideal for personal farmhouse and residential projects
Future appraisal is assured and market value doubles once land title use has been changed.
Serious buyers can connect.
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2322.58 sq.m Ground Floor
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