Ajeetgarh, Sikar
Places nearby
Ajeetgarh, Sikar
1.2 Km
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3.8 Km
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3.9 Km
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2.8 Km
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3.7 Km
4.4 Km
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4.9 Km
1. Fencing around the all land
2.A water tubell
3.Land on Lisariya to Jaipur on road.
4.Land on 500 meter road from Ajitgarh Khatu Shyam Ji Road.
5.Government school and government hospital near the land.
6.The distance of Khatu Shyamji by land is 30 kms and the distance of Ajitgarh municipal area is 10 kms and NH8 dehli Mumbai highway is 25 kms.
7.Populated area around the land.
8.Nice frontage of land on asphalt road.
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