Kotdwara, Pauri Garhwal
Places nearby
Kotdwara, Pauri Garhwal
1.5 Km
2.3 Km
2.9 Km
3.8 Km
4.2 Km
0.8 Km
2.1 Km
3.2 Km
4.5 Km
4.7 Km
0.5 Km
1.9 Km
2.6 Km
3.1 Km
4.3 Km
0.3 Km
1.6 Km
2 Km
2.7 Km
3.4 Km
0.7 Km
1.4 Km
2.2 Km
3.9 Km
4.8 Km
0.9 Km
1.2 Km
2.4 Km
3.5 Km
4 Km
0.8 Km
2.6 Km
3.3 Km
4.1 Km
4.7 Km
0.6 Km
1.5 Km
2.2 Km
3.9 Km
4.3 Km
0.4 Km
1.9 Km
2.8 Km
3.2 Km
4.6 Km
0.6 Km
1.3 Km
2.4 Km
3.6 Km
4.4 Km
1.1 Km
1.7 Km
2.3 Km
3.8 Km
4.2 Km
This is an empty space avilable for lease you can open up anything like charging station, mobile tower, or any small shop or any open sided resturent.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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