Mukteshwar, Nainital
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Mukteshwar, Nainital
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Mukteshwar villas - A perfect location for action packed days and laid back evening, with an unobstructed view of the snow- capped ranges of the himalayas, nestled in the lap of green valleys, majestic mountains and a home to large varieties of colorful birds sits in the heart of kumaoun fruit bowl.There is always a special place that we strive for and dream in our live.All it has to do is with finding peace, hormony and tranquillity, a place-calm, serene, placid and full of contentment.A feeling that we have reached of spiritual abode.A home away from home-An unspoiled, perched on a hill with cool breeze touching all our senses with our eyes dawning upon enviable breath taking Himalayan range. A place where we weave our dreams to life, a feeling of fullness a touch of completeness filling the space around us as we breathe life Want to experience luxury away from home wrapped in seamless harmonious tranquility come to the Mukteshwar villas.
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133.78 sq.m 2 Bath Furnished
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