Patiala Road, Mohali
Places nearby
Patiala Road, Mohali
1.2 Km
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4.9 Km
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7.8 Km
8.2 Km
10.4 Km
12.1 Km
All of us have dream to plush and elegant living in the comfort of peaceful surroundings whilst also experiencing all the modern amenities. This is why Green Lotus Saksham brings you 4 BHK apartments in Zirakpur that have been designed keeping in mind the green needs of modern world. These are smartly conceptualized residential units which ensure the least amount of polluting environs for your families.
With a super area of 2809 sq. ft., this 4 BHK apartments in Zirakpur is suitable for large families or group of friends. Every bedroom is built in a way to make you wake up each morning relaxed and contended. What makes them special is that they offer 4 bhk apartments in Zirakpur offer the feeling of freedom from the hustle and bustle of the city yet simultaneously connecting it to the most important destination like Chandigarh.
We let you indulge in lifes luxuries. We build spaces, which ensures that you live in and support a sustainable community.
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