Uttam Nagar West, Delhi
Places nearby
Uttam Nagar West, Delhi
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3 BHK 25 ft road in front,
Lift facility,
3 bed room with 2 bath rooms,
Heavy false ceiling work in all rooms,
Wide balcony,
Modular kitchen with branded chimney,
Two almirah,
Reserved car parking,
Ample space for visitors parking,
Vitrified digital tiles work on floor,
Each bathroom with tile work up to roof height with branded fittings and attachments,
Front elevation gwalior granite stone with stainless steel railing,
Wall to wall pop and valvet paint according to consumer choice in interior,
Seperate electric and water connection with appropriate meters,
Ground water facility,
Water tank of 1000 ltrs,
Electric fittings wire kalinga,
Modular switches,
Lighting in all rooms,
Easy approach to public transport and market,
Intercom and electronic lock with video camera,
One wall texture paint in all rooms,
90% bank loan facility available by nationalise bank.
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