Sarjapur, Bangalore
Places nearby
Sarjapur, Bangalore
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About Breathe:
Breathe Sarjapur :
Breathe is a 200 luxury villa hamlet spread across 20 acres of sprawling natural beauty, is located next to the Indus International School, Sarjapur, Bangalore. Designed by Space Matrix, a world-class Architectural Firm headquartered in Singapore, Breathe has been conceptualized to be sensitive towards the environment, incorporating the key principles of rainwater harvesting, recycling of treated water and minimizing the use of natural resources. The project boasts of pleasing streetscapes, lush green landscaped gardens, best-in-class infrastructure and lifestyle amenities. The villas have a unique outside-in design where the external landscape seamlessly transitions into the inside, rendering the homes a refreshing aura of natural opulence. The floor plans have been intelligently designed to carve out spaces to suit a luxurious lifestyle.
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