Kailash Nagar, Surat
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Kailash Nagar, Surat
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The pleasant area having two major eco friendly popular gardens namely chat sarovar dindoli lake and SMC flower garden .The row house consisting of 3 bedrooms ,2 halls and 3 washrooms and the centre point of the hose is the backyard customised garden with a lawn backside of the house with the proper boundary .The society includes all amenities such as own borewell ,smc water line ,dgvcl ,Gas line and gated community with watch man .The society is consisting of various types of community people majorly such as Gujarati mehsana patel ,Rajasthani Marwadi and a minimum of Maharastrian .The society people mostly includes the bussinessmen and state ,central govt.employee.All major festivals are celebrated and well engaged people are there .Reason for selling is I am getting the job opportunity in south and we are winding our bond with surat
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76.92 sq.m 2 Bath Ground Floor
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