Tambaram, Chennai
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Tambaram, Chennai
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Flats & Apartmentsis available for sale. This is 3 BHK with Built Up Area 1600 Sq.ft. Flats & Apartments is located at Tambaram, Chennai at a price of 1.20 Cr..
Tambaram has evolved into a bustling residential and commercial locality. In fact, it's one of the top prime residential areas along the GST Road. This is where you will come across Libra an ultra-modern apartment in Tambaram. These residential flats boast an elegant premium facade made exclusively with finished finishes and veneers. Promoted by Libra Homes this project offers both 2 & 3 BHK flats with a carpet area ranging from 1051 - 1600 Sq.Ft. Covered car parking is provided at the stilt level and this flat that holds 6 units also has lift access. Additionally, each resident gets to enjoy a fantastic balcony that offers ample privacy. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
2.0 BHK+2T | 797 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
51 Lac
3.0 BHK+3T | 1200 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
90 Lac
3.0 BHK Independent House +3T | 1500 Sq.ft. (Super) |
96 Lac
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