Sargaasan, Gandhinagar
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Sargaasan, Gandhinagar
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Strategically located off 300 meters from Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway connecting two important cities of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar. The 45-meter height 14 storey Hrudhya 3BHK residential flat in Gandhinagar Gujarat is near to Sargasan Chokdi, Holiday Mall, International School, Grocery Stores, Hospital, and Health Care. Hrudhya 3BHK residential flat in Gandhinagar Gujarat is planned with Two blocks with 108 residential units. In front of two blocks of Green sprawling lawn with a kid zone, a member sitting area is planned in the front of the block of eye appeasing views and to provide a green environment to the members. Lawn can be used for multipurpose viz. playing, relaxing, and hosting a party.
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84.60 Lac
196.49 sq.m 4 Bath Unfurnished
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125.42 sq.m 2 Bath 3 Balcony Contact Agent
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