Ramachandrapuram, East Godavari
Places nearby
Ramachandrapuram, East Godavari
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House is perfect for modern-day lifestyle.
Ramachandrapurm is a promising location in East Godavari and this is one of the finest properties in the area. Buy this Independent House for sale now. The property's price is Rs 1.30Cr and 1-sqyard is 40000/-. Residents in this property pay Rs 0 towards maintenance.There are 3 Flats in this property.all are three rooms in flat..North facing road side house on the national highway.
Location advantages:-
1. National Highway plot with good appreciation
2. It is well suited for constructing commercial complex or mall or school.
3. Goverment hospital is 2 kms away from the plot.
4. Cinema threatre is less than 1km distance
5. Bus complex station is 2.5 kms away from here.
6. Kotipally bridge construction over.
7. well connected with other places Ramchandrapurm to kotipally, yanam, Amalapurm will get Natioal high way.
8. This highway road side will develop in future and will produce good returns.
9. Water and electricity facilities were always available.
10. Please visit and check the property and take an action according. you can call or msg me based on your availability.
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