Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram
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Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram
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7.6 Km
One story ready to move house is available at Koliyoor,Venganoor Trivandrum.Pleasant area ,Vellayani Lake view,schools , hospitals and all the necessary stores nearby,15 km away from Trivandrum Central railway station,5 km away from Kovalam beach and nearly 5 Km away from Vizhinjam port.
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297.29 sq.m 6 Bath
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232.26 sq.m 4 Bath Semi-Furnished
Contact AgentCall for Price
135.64 sq.m 6 Bath Semi-Furnished
Contact Owner1.60 Cr.
278.71 sq.m 3 Bath Basement Floor
Contact Agent1.20 Cr.
371.61 sq.m 5 Bath 3 Balcony Contact Owner
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