Mullanpur, Chandigarh
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Mullanpur, Chandigarh
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The Palm Residency community is well-planned and future-ready. Wide open spaces, infrastructure, paved roads, water supply, drainage and sewage systems mark the development. And with features such as modern shopping and recreation options within close proximity, you can be sure that you and your loved ones are getting nothing but the best.
Between functional and beautiful, between expensive and exclusive… lies Palm Residency. A part of the integrated township “The Palm”, Palm Residency features 3 independent floors on stilts. It spells class in premium luxury with a choice of 2 and 3 bedrooms in varying sizes. Palm Residency offers a range of services to rejuvenate your senses with a blissful surrounding.Conceptualised on the extension of Madhya Marg, Chandigarh, The Palm is located 0 kilometres from Chandigarh, on the existing 200 foot highway. A 70 acre lake (to be developed by GMADA) and 60 acre green belt would be part of the township and give its residents a green and natural environment that cannot be easily matched. Residents of Palm Residency will enjoy all benefits and amenities of a modern and exclusive township. Wide open spaces, landscaped roads and greens, pollution free environment, sports and recreational facilities, 24×7 security, modern medical facilities and such. Modern elevators, dedicated and ample parking are some other features. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
3.0 BHK | 1675 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1217 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
1 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 2475 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1970 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 3328 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.95 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 2553 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 2312 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 4093 Sq.ft. (Super) |
3 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 2908 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 2223 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 3751 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.85 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 2963 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 2223 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 3806 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.75 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 3028 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 2758 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 4478 Sq.ft. (Super) |
3.65 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 3287 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 2505 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 4039 Sq.ft. (Super) |
3.55 Cr.
5.0 BHK | 3437 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 2505 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 4189 Sq.ft. (Super) |
3.35 Cr.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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109.63 sq.m 3 Bath Semi-Furnished
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337.7 sq.m 3 Bath Furnished
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109.63 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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139.35 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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418.06 sq.m 3 Bath Semi-Furnished
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