Hadapsar, Pune
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Hadapsar, Pune
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This spacious 2 BHK Flats & Apartments is available for sale and is located at Hadapsar, Pune. It has a Carpet Area of 732 Sq.ft. and is available at a price of 50 Lac.
Kumar Properties brings you Pebble Park, a creation that makes you feel at ease, at home. Away from the complicated lifestyles it provides you a habitat where you live life to the fullest. Step into a world that you would love to call your own. An exclusive project, spread across acres of lush green land which you would rightly describe as unique, premium and exceptional. This location brings to you, a feeling of comfort at home, a belonging to your family, a hub for your friends and an abode that you had intended. It completes your life in every aspect and leaves before you absolutely no reason to grouse. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
2.0 BHK+2T | 923 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
43 Lac
2.0 BHK+2T | 927 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
43 Lac
2.0 BHK+2T | 930 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
43 Lac
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