Sector 137, Noida
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Sector 137, Noida
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1rk fully furnished apartment prime location Ready to move unit near by metro hospital school super market park pool gym club near MNC company 24 hour power backup
Ecociti incorporates ecologically responsive urbanism at work in which the environments behind and between buildings are as important as the buildings themselves, and in which energy, water and resources are conserved whilst maintaining human comfort and nurturing the spirit. The roofs and walls, pergolas and water features, vegetation and choices of materials are all intended to create a micro-climate of a moderated, comfortable environment. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Flats / Apartments | 890 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
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2.0 BHK+2T | 890 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 890 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
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2.0 BHK+2T | 890 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
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3.0 BHK+2T |
72 Lac
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