Sector 63, Chandigarh
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Sector 63, Chandigarh
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1BHK, CHB flats, Sector 63 Chandigarh,
First floor, corner, property, PNG connection,
Free hold CD case
original allotee,
Diagonal park facing,
2 bath-room ready,
Modular kitchen,
Cupboard in Drg Hall and Bedroom, behind the cupboard Tiles has been placed to avoid any dampness in the cupboard, Fans,
Exhaust Fan,
curtain rod, ,
Tiled balcony.
For asking rate/Demand contact
Chandigarh Housing Board (CHB) oversees the sales and purchase of a variety of CHB Flats like EWS, LIG, MIG, MIG(S), HIG(L), HIG(R) and HIG(S).
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
3.0 BHK | 1600 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.15 Cr.
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167.23 sq.m 3 Bath Unfurnished
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961.55 sq.m 2 Bath 11 Floor
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