Hadapsar, Pune
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Hadapsar, Pune
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Joyville Hadapsar Annexe brings to East Pune an oasis of happiness and contentment, where children can be themselves and life offers residents a larger horizon. With homes designed for seamless living dotted with lifestyle amenities, it's where aspirations come to light and we make memories for a lifetime.
The property is thinking of astonishing room design with furniture produced using strong wood material just as electrical wiring in each room. In addition, clubhouse has sumptuous highlights like pool, exercise center, water park, DC generator reinforcement, ball court, squash court, indoor games patio, entrance door, leave entryway, slope to cellar, sewage treatment plant underground, 24 hour water supply, normal district lighting, lifts, ATM/Bank, library, and support staff and so forth. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
1.0 BHK | 430 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
37.50 Lac
2.0 BHK | 619 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
57 Lac
2.0 BHK | 726 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
65.10 Lac
3.0 BHK | 894 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
79.30 Lac
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
84.76 Lac
116.13 sq.m 2 Bath Unfurnished
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