Vishal Nagar, Yamunanagar
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Vishal Nagar, Yamunanagar
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Morni Hills is a hill station in the Panchkula district of the northern state of Haryana and is situated at a height of 1220 meters or 3600 feet above sea level. It is believed that the Morni Hills are named after Queen Morni who used to rule this place at one point in history.
The place is still unexplored and very picturesque and green with a mixture of hill and plain vegetation in mountainous surroundings.
Situated in the lower reaches of the Shivalik range, Morni is ideal for a holiday with its cool climate, beautiful natural vistas and myriad opportunities for bird watching, trekking, rock-climbing and other adventure sports.
It is a very serene and calm place and is much appreciated for its scenic beauty. This place is a combination of plain and hill vegetation and the view is a delight to all the travelers.
Morni Hills is an ideal place for holidaying in a salubrious climate and awe-inspiring landscapes and it remains busy with tourists throughout the year.
Morni Hills, a favourite tourist destination of adventurous people, offers numerous opportunities for trekking, rock-climbing and other challenging activities.
Provided with all modern amenities like excellent accommodation facilities, and a good motorable roads gather fun loving people year after year to this magnificent hill station.
Total land 15bigha
Per bigha demand 5.5lakh
Genuine buyer only contact
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42636.35 sq.m 1 Bath 5 Yrs
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