Sector 75, Noida
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Sector 75, Noida
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Location & Amenities For Dream Home 4.
1. Schools
a . Green Valley Academy Junior High School- 4km
b . Rainbow Kids - Pre School and Day Care- 2km
c .Brain 'O' Brain Preschool 2km
d. Manav Rachna International School - 1.8Km
e. LPS Global School Noida - 1.9 Km
2. Hospital
a. Felix Hospital Polyclinic 20m
b. NEO Hospital 3km
c. Shivalik Hospital: Best Woman & Child Hospital in Noida - 2km
d. Manas Hospital - 2km
e. Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute - 3km
3. Hotels & Banquet Hall
a.Hotel Akash Palace - 1.5km
b. FabExpress Signature - 1.6km
c. Hotel Relax inn - 2km
d Moon Cloud Banquet- 1.5km
e. Lotus Grandeur - 200m.
4. Metro Station .
a. Noida 76 -2km
b Noida 51 -3km
c. Noida 52- 3km
5. Malls & Shopping Centre
a. Spectrum Mall. - 2km
b . Ithum Mall- 2km
c. Gaur City Mall- 5km
e M3M - 3km
6. Parks .
a. Ved Van - 2km
b .Meghdootam Park 2km
c. Noida Authority, Lake park - 2km
d. Hanuman Park - 3km
e. Maharana Pratap Amparali Platinum Park -1km.
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97.55 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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120.31 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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125.42 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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144 sq.m 5 Bath 4 Floor
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91.04 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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241.55 sq.m 5 Bath Semi-Furnished
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111.48 sq.m 2 Bath 1 Floor
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