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Sector 140A, Noida
Property Type
Office Space
5.45 Lac - 82.47 Cr.
May 2023
Total Units
20 units
Total Towers
Total Floors
Total Area
26.8 Acres
Open Area
Launch Date
Dec 2019
Possession Status
Ongoing Projects
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...Read More Read LessSector 140A, Noida
Sector 140A, Noida
Sector 140A, Noida
Sector 140A, Noida
Sector 140A, Noida
Sector 140A, Noida
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Super) |
44.98 Lac
Commercial Shops | 350 Sq.ft. (Super) |
62.97 Lac
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Super) |
37.83 Lac
Office Space | 710 Sq.ft. (Super) |
46.15 Lac
Office Space | 867 Sq.ft. (Super) |
56.36 Lac
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Super) |
41.25 Lac
Commercial Shops | 300 Sq.ft. (Super) |
49.50 Lac
Commercial Shops | 350 Sq.ft. (Super) |
57.75 Lac
Commercial Shops | 400 Sq.ft. (Super) |
66 Lac
Commercial Shops | 413 Sq.ft. (Super) |
68.15 Lac
Office Space | 668 Sq.ft. (Super) |
43.42 Lac
Office Space | 800 Sq.ft. (Super) |
52 Lac
Commercial Shops | 125 Sq.ft. (Super) |
22.49 Lac
Commercial Shops | 249 Sq.ft. (Super) |
44.98 Lac
Commercial Shops | 405 Sq.ft. (Super) |
72.86 Lac
Commercial Shops | 463 Sq.ft. (Super) |
87.60 Lac
Office Space | 704 Sq.ft. (Super) |
45.76 Lac
Office Space | 856 Sq.ft. (Super) |
55.64 Lac
Office Space | 944 Sq.ft. (Super) |
61.36 Lac
Office Space | 882 Sq.ft. (Super) |
57.33 Lac
Office Space | 1594 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.04 Cr.
Office Space | 1945 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.26 Cr.
Office Space | 2462 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.60 Cr.
Office Space | 2720 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.77 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 126 Sq.ft. (Super) |
22.67 Lac
Commercial Shops | 152 Sq.ft. (Super) |
27.34 Lac
Commercial Shops | 248 Sq.ft. (Super) |
44.62 Lac
Commercial Shops | 285 Sq.ft. (Super) |
51.27 Lac
Commercial Shops | 500 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.15 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 300 Sq.ft. (Super) |
56.97 Lac
Office Space | 669 Sq.ft. (Super) |
43.49 Lac
Commercial Shops | 320 Sq.ft. (Super) |
73.60 Lac
Commercial Shops | 401 Sq.ft. (Super) |
76.15 Lac
Commercial Shops | 501 Sq.ft. (Super) |
95.14 Lac
Commercial Shops | 800 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.52 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 400 Sq.ft. (Super) |
92 Lac
Commercial Shops | 670 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.54 Cr.
Office Space | 532 Sq.ft. (Super) |
34.58 Lac
Office Space | 810 Sq.ft. (Super) |
52.65 Lac
Office Space | 250 Sq.ft. (Super) |
16.25 Lac
Commercial Shops | 134 Sq.ft. (Super) |
27.90 Lac
Office Space | 67 Sq.ft. (Super) |
6.75 Lac
Office Space | 690 Sq.ft. (Super) |
41.33 Lac
Commercial Shops | 450 Sq.ft. (Super) |
85.46 Lac
Office Space | 1380 Sq.ft. (Super) |
89.70 Lac
Commercial Shops | 926 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.31 Cr.
Office Space | 500 Sq.ft. (Super) |
34.98 Lac
Office Space | 210 Sq.ft. (Super) |
13.65 Lac
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Super) |
42 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
19.99 Lac
Office Space | 250 Sq.ft. (Super) |
17.48 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
20 Lac
Commercial Shops | 400 Sq.ft. (Super) |
87.78 Lac
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Super) |
18 Lac
Office Space | 500 Sq.ft. (Super) |
32.50 Lac
Office Space | 35 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
6 Lac
Commercial Shops | 67 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
6.25 Lac
Office Space | 50 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
6.25 Lac
Office Space | 35 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
6.25 Lac
Office Space | 67 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
6.50 Lac
Office Space | 67 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
5.45 Lac
Commercial Shops | 67 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
6.50 Lac
Office Space | 67 Sq.ft. (Super) |
6.99 Lac
Office Space | 26 Acre (Super) |
6.50 Lac
Office Space | 70 Sq.ft. (Super) |
7 Lac
Office Space | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
6.50 Lac
Office Space | 67 Sq.ft. (Super) |
7 Lac
Office Space | 67 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
6.25 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
18.99 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
11 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
17 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
17.99 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
18.90 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
18.99 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
20.00 Lac
Commercial Shops | 25000 Sq.ft. (Super) |
22 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
21.99 Lac
Commercial Shops | 100 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Commercial Plots | 100 Sq.ft. (Land) |
31 Lac
Commercial Shops | 115 Sq.ft. (Super) |
25.30 Lac
Commercial Shops | 110 Sq.ft. (Super) |
15 Lac
Commercial Shops | 125 Sq.ft. (Super) |
18 Lac
Office Space | 134 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
14.50 Lac
Office Space | 134 Sq.ft. (Super) |
14 Lac
Office Space | 134 Sq.ft. (Super) |
7.27 Lac
Office Space | 134 Sq.ft. (Super) |
7 Lac
Office Space | 134 Sq.ft. (Super) |
14.50 Lac
Business Center | 134 Sq.ft. (Super) |
14.50 Lac
Commercial Shops | 150 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
23.99 Lac
Office Space | 75 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
15 Lac
Commercial Shops | 168 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
28 Lac
Office Space | 200 Sq.ft. (Super) |
37.98 Lac
Commercial Shops | 200 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
64 Lac
Office Space | 200 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
15 Lac
Office Space | 200 Sq.ft. (Super) |
13.98 Lac
Commercial Shops | 200 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.30 Cr.
Office Space | 200 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
33.98 Lac
Office Space | 210 Sq.ft. (Super) |
14.68 Lac
Office Space | 110 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
12.93 Lac
Commercial Shops | 232 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
2.20 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 540 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.35 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
57.50 Lac
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Super) |
40 Lac
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Super) |
62.50 Lac
Office Space | 268 Sq.ft. (Super) |
28 Lac
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
74.98 Lac
Commercial Shops | 250 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Commercial Shops | 186 Sq.ft. (Super) |
47.10 Lac
Office Space | 268 Sq.ft. (Super) |
14.54 Lac
Office Space | 300 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
18 Lac
Showrooms | 211 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
59.58 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 300 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
17.97 Lac
Commercial Shops | 24990 Sq.ft. (Super) |
74.97 Lac
Office Space | 300 Sq.ft. (Super) |
21 Lac
Commercial Shops | 300 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
65.97 Lac
Office Space | 300 Sq.ft. (Super) |
22 Lac
Office Space | 300 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
22.50 Lac
Commercial Shops | 338 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Office Space | 350 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
28 Lac
Office Space | 400 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 350 Sq.ft. (Carpet) | 585 Sq.ft. (Super) |
28 Lac
Commercial Shops | 400 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
87.96 Lac
Office Space | 668 Sq.ft. (Super) |
29.81 Lac
Commercial Shops | 450 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
90 Lac
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Super) |
20.97 Lac
Commercial Shops | 450 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Office Space | 245 Sq. Meter (Carpet) |
12 Lac
Commercial Shops | 500 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.10 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 500 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Office Space | 300 Sq.ft. (Super) |
17 Lac
Office Space | 532 Sq.ft. (Super) |
37.19 Lac
Commercial Shops | 540 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
2.07 Cr.
Office Space | 350 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
28.70 Lac
Office Space | 500 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
32 Lac
Office Space | 550 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
30.20 Lac
Office Space | 350 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
32.50 Lac
Commercial Shops | 550 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
1.10 Cr.
Office Space | 550 Sq.ft. (Super) |
35 Lac
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
34.86 Lac
Commercial Shops | 582 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.34 Cr.
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
30.60 Lac
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
30.60 Lac
Business Center | 582 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
36 Lac
Commercial Shops | 291 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
34 Lac
Office Space | 291 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
33.76 Lac
Commercial Shops | 582 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
34.86 Lac
Office Space | 350 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
34.86 Lac
Office Space | 583 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
31 Lac
Commercial Shops | 600 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.32 Cr.
Office Space | 630 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
34 Lac
Commercial Shops | 408 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
1.38 Cr.
Office Space | 690 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
44.85 Lac
Office Space | 700 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
38 Lac
Office Space | 704 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
42.20 Lac
Commercial Shops | 700 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.40 Cr.
Office Space | 840 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Commercial Shops | 856 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
1.96 Cr.
Office Space | 862 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Office Space | 867 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
45.50 Lac
Office Space | 433 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
51.93 Lac
Commercial Shops | 540 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
2.07 Cr.
Studio Apartments | 900 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.35 Cr.
Office Space | 455 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
52.30 Lac
Office Space | 910 Sq.ft. (Super) |
59.15 Lac
Office Space | 1000 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
54.90 Lac
Commercial Shops | 1000 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
2.30 Cr.
Office Space | 670 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
55 Lac
Commercial Shops | 1100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1 Cr.
Office Space | 1164 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
63.90 Lac
Office Space | 1300 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
71.30 Lac
Office Space | 1200 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
91.50 Lac
Office Space | 1650 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Office Space | 1850 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.01 Cr.
Office Space | 2000 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.30 Cr.
Office Space | 2462 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.47 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 2462 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
5.66 Cr.
Office Space | 2462 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
34.86 Lac
Commercial Shops | 2462 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
1.34 Cr.
Office Space | 2462 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
Call for Price
Office Space | 27500 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
20.63 Cr.
Commercial Shops | 27500 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
82.47 Cr.
Office Space | 582 Sq.ft. (Super) |
30 Lac
1 BHK Studio Apartments Studio Apartments | 67 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
6.50 Lac
Bhutani Infra latest project "Cyberthum" in sector 140A Noida. Bhutani Cyberthum - New Project in Noida is located at very prime location. Cyberthum Noida Sector 140A offers meticulously designed Offi more
About Cyberthum
Bhutani Infra latest project "Cyberthum" in sector 140A Noida. Bhutani Cyberthum - New Project in Noida is located at very prime location. Cyberthum Noida Sector 140A offers meticulously designed Office Space with leasing guarantee. The commercial tower is designed to offer a heady mix of luxury offices, high street shopping arenas, gourmet food and signature dining spaces, at the most strategic location in Noida. Its proximity to the up market residential areas of Noida and Gr. Noida, put it squarely in the middle of the highest spending target group of Noida. The commercial spaces are available in the range of 550 sq. 1550 sq.ft. and min 5000 sqft for Personal Use & with lease guarantee also.
Club House
Cafeteria & Restaurants
CCTV Camera
Fire Alarm
North India's tallest commercial tower Two 50-floor iconic towers One of North India's largest musical fountain Mall in the sky Leed platinum certified building A helipad and ample parking facilities more
About Bhutani Group
Backed by a decade's worth of experience and an abundance of expertise, Bhutani Group has pioneered the conceptualization and execution of upscale real estate projects in the retail, commercial and residential space. Adding to the array of services offered, it also sees the project through each stage right from site acquisition, designing and development to construction, marketing and sales.
Where is Bhutani Group Located?
Bhutani Group is located in Sector 140A, Noida.
What type of property can I find in Bhutani Group?
You can easily find 1 BHK apartments in Bhutani Group.
What is the size of 1 BHK apartment in Bhutani Group?
The approximate size of a 1 BHK apartment here is 67 Sq.ft.
What is the starting price of an apartment in Bhutani Group?
You can find an apartment in Bhutani Group at a starting price of 5.45 Lac.
By when can I gain possession of property in Bhutani Group?
You can get complete possession of your property here by May 2023.
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