Vikramaditya Enterprises

Vikramaditya Enterprises

Raigad, Uran
4.7   3 3 reviews
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About Vikramaditya Enterprises

Winners Enterprises is a revolutionary real-estate service committed to assisting you to create wise and profitable choices linked to buying, selling, renting, and leasing properties. We are based in Raigad, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra (India) will share with you a new approach to the esteemed users to find a good choice of properties to rent or buy.

  • Areas of Operation

    MumbaiAndheri EastBandra EastBandra Kurla ComplexGandhi NagarKala NagarKherwadiNirmal NagarTeachers ColonyBandra WestHill RoadPali HillChemburChembur East7th Cross RoadBhakti ParkBorlaCentral Avenue RoadChembur CampChembur GaothanChembur Govandi RoadChembur NakaCollectors ColonyDK Sandhu MargDeonarDr CG RoadEden GardensSindhi SocietyColabaCuffe ParadeDadarJuhuJuhu CircleJuhu KoliwadaJuhu Tara RoadAirport AreaDaulat NagarGulmohar ColonyJVPD SchemeJukarwadiMHADA ColonyNehru NagarSainath NagarSuvarna NagarKarjatBhivpuriKharKhar EastKhar WestChuim VillageKhopoliKoliwada WorliKolshet RoadKurlaLower ParelMahalaxmiMalabar HillMarine DriveMumbai Beyond ThaneNeralParelPowaiPowai LakeBSNL ColonyChandivaliGundecha HillsHiranandani GardensIIT ColonyJVLR RoadJalvayu ViharKrishna NagarMHADA Colony 20Mayur NagarMilind NagarMorarji NagarPanchkutir Ganesh NagarPasspoliPitamaha Ramji NagarPrabhadeviElphinstoneElphinstone RoadHatiskar WadiRBI ColonySantacruzSewriSheluVikhroliWorliWorli Shivaji NagarAdarsh NagarHaji Ali Dargah RoadYashoda Colony Wakadmore
    ThaneAtgaonGhodbunder RoadHiranandani EstateKalyan DombivaliKapurbawdiKolshet RoadBalkum PadaSainath NagarManpadaNaupadaThane EastThane WestBalkum Nakamore
    Navi MumbaiCBD BelapurChirnerDronagiriKhalapurPanvelSector 3 Pushpak NagarUlweUranVindhaneSector 15AiroliBelapurSector 11ChirleSector 47Sector 52Sector 55JuinagarKamotheSector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 24Sector 25Sector 31Sector 34Sector 35Sector 36Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9KhandeshwarKhargharSector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 23Sector 24Sector 25Sector 27Sector 3Sector 30Sector 34Kharghar Sector 34Sector 34ASector 35Sector 35GSector 36Sector 39Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 1Sector 29Sector 33Sector 34BSector 34CSector 34ESector 35DSector 35ESector 35FSector 35HSector 35ISector 37Sector 40Sector 41Sector 9Kopar KhairaneKoproliMIDC Industrial Area NerulMIDC PatalgangaMahapeMIDC Industrial AreaNRI ComplexNerulNew PanvelOld PanvelPalm Beach RoadKaranjadeKhanda ColonyPalaspe PhataRoadpaliTakka ColonyPushpak NagarRasayaniSai NagarSanpadaSector 1Sector 10Sector 11Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Sector 30ASeawoodsKarave NagarSector 36Sector 38Sector 40Sector 42Sector 42ASector 44Sector 44ASector 46Sector 46ASector 48Sector 48ASector 50Sector 54Sector 56Sector 58Sector 58ASector 17 KalamboliSector 53 DronagiriSector 7 VashiShedungShirdonSukapurTTC Industrial AreaSector 17Sector 23Sector 5Sector 10BSector 16Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 3Sector 8Sector 9VashiSector 1Sector 10Sector 12Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 19DSector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 23Sector 24Sector 26Sector 28Sector 29Sector 3Sector 30Sector 30ASector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 8Sector 9Vashi WestSector 11Sector 19ASector 19BSector 19CSector 19ESector 25Sector 31Sector 9ASector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 20Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Sector 1Sector 1ASector 8ASector 14Sector 20Sector 9GhansoliSector 1Sector 11Sector 15Sector 2Sector 21Sector 3Sector 30Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Sector 23Khar RoadGanesh NagarKopraRanjanpadaSector 1Sector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 15Sector 16Sector 16ASector 17Sector 18Sector 19Sector 2Sector 20Sector 21Sector 22Sector 23Sector 24Sector 25Sector 27Sector 28Sector 36Sector 38Sector 4Sector 40Sector 42Sector 44Sector 46Sector 5Sector 50Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Sector 18ASector 19ASector 26Sector 29Sector 3PawaneTTC Industrial AreaRabaleMIDCTurbheTurbhe MidcSector 18Sector 22more
    RaigadUranDighodeKarjatKhalapurKhopoliMaldungeMatheranNeralPanvelMorbe VillageRansaiRasayaniSardeTaloje PanchnadTaraWavandhalKalote MokashiKalundreMorbaPoyanjeVichumbemore
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    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments Villa
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Vikramaditya Enterprises

  • Amit Foferkar
  • Raigad, Uran
  • 14+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

Properties for Sale by Vikramaditya Enterprises

Review & Rating of Vikramaditya Enterprises

  • Prakash

    Reviewed : Mar 30, 2022

    I am glad that I approached the most reliable agent for obtaining real estate services. The dealer helped me in getting excellent results for my queries related to real estate. This real estate agent helped me to reach out thousands of sellers and land owners to crack a number of successful deals.

  • Yogesh Jain

    Reviewed : Mar 23, 2022

    We were looking for a real estate agent that can help us in getting a 2BHK flat in a posh location. And, one of my friends suggested this real estate agent. The agent helped us in cracking the most lucrative deal and now, we owned a home of our dreams. Thanks to the agent, we got the perfect flat we were looking for.

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Vikramaditya Enterprises Agent / +91-99876xxxxx
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