Virtue infra (B) pvt ltd

JP Nagar 3rd Phase, Bangalore
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About Virtue infra (B) pvt ltd

As we peep into the future, we remain firmly committed towards creating urban living spaces where people can live, work and play smart. We are acutely conscious of the fact that due to rapid urbanization, there are huge challenges and as responsible Property development and construction player we shall continue to provide intelligent solutions in a manner which is sustainable. We rely on our people, their capacities to innovate and use of technology to create immense value We will continue to raise the bar and set new standards in the industry to strengthen this goal of ours....
  • Areas of Operation

    BangaloreJP Nagar 3rd PhaseHosa RoadJiganiKumbalgodu
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Residential Land / Plots Commercial Plots Industrial Land
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

More information

Virtue infra (B) pvt ltd

  • Yashwanth Kumar
  • JP Nagar 3rd Phase, Bangalore
  • Has Office in JP Nagar 3rd Phase, Bangalore

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Virtue infra (B) pvt ltd Agent / +91-81237xxxxx
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