Ujwala properties

Ujwala properties

Kharbi, Nagpur
4.3   3 3 reviews
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About Ujwala properties

Ujwala Properties is a reputed, leading and reliable real estate company in Nagpur. We are engaged in offering all types of real estate properties residential and commercial to our valued customers. We are a leading company that is looking forward to changing our customers life by fulfilling their need for dwelling. We are providing excellent real estate solutions for our esteemed customers. We have created a brand identity that is engaged in offering high-quality services at cost-effective rates. We are using modern tools and resources to increase our services for maximum customer satisfaction. Quality Assurance We have designed and created our services keeping in mind the market trends and requirements of our customers. We offer the best deals for our customers that suit their budget. We have hired a team of professionals that are well versed in their field to guarantee budgeted property as per their needs. We also provide customized services like ancillary services with real estate to maximize customer satisfaction. We are readily available on our online website and with one click; we are available for our customers in finding out the properties in Nagpur. Our online booking services can be accessed from any part of the country. Our USP Being a customer-centric company, we are renowned for delivering top-class service on time. Our knowledgeable and skilled experts are friendly, committed and eager to serve our clients genuine needs. We are fulfilling the needs of our customers by selling, buying and renting all types of residential and commercial properties. We believe in maintaining long working relationships with our clients.
  • Areas of Operation

    NagpurBesaSadbhavana NagarAlankar NagarBidgaonChinchbhavanGhogaliGotal PanjariHanuman NagarHudkeshwarHudkeshwar RoadJamthaJanki NagarKadbi ChowkManewadaNarendra NagarNarsalaNew SomalwadaOmkar NagarSadbhavana NagarPevthaPiplaRamna MarutiSwaraj NagarUday NagarUmred RoadNaik NagarSwavalambi NagarKirnapurAyodhya NagarSalaimore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Commercial Shops Residential Land / Plots Commercial Plots
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Ujwala properties

  • Sumit sawsakade
  • Kharbi, Nagpur
  • 4+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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Review & Rating of Ujwala properties

  • Madhu

    Reviewed : Apr 12, 2022

    The concepts of this real estate agent are fresh and new. This makes everything work smoothly. I contacted this real estate agent around a year back and am very glad I made that decision. I got numerous queries for the property I have put on rent through this agent and got reliable tenants soon.

  • K Vinesh

    Reviewed : Apr 05, 2022

    I have been consulting this real estate agent for around three years and my experience till now has been amazing. I contacted the agent regarding selling of a property and I ended up getting the best deal for it. Since then, I contact this agent for all my property related deals. Thank you for your consistent support.

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Ujwala properties Agent / +91-83291xxxxx
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