Munnar, Idukki
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TRIWORLD your gateway to unlimited luxury living in some of the most picturesque locations of Kerala, nestled alongside tea plantations and lush green meadows that resemble the famous moors of Scotland. Blending modern aesthetics with the traditional, state-of-the -art amenities while providing its customers a never seen before experience in 5-star luxury living standards. Tri-world Developers is a team of like-minded realtors who have come together to create a cutting-edge investment plan to bring together the two revenue generating sectors in any part of India The Real Estate and Tourism. Our projects under the brand Mirth Resorts & Hotels, in Munnar have been completed successfully and it has been received with open hands by our investors and customers alike.
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  • Munnar, Idukki

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TRIWORLD Builder / +91-77364xxxxx
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