Sika India Pvt.Ltd.

Sika India Pvt.Ltd.

Goa, Verna
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About Sika India Pvt.Ltd.

From high rise buildings and bridges to your house renovation, from tunnels to wind turbines, and all that is in between. The sustainable roof system which outlasts the test of time, weather and even the harshest design critics. The colorful floor which is resilient under a thousand feet, yet low-VOC and long-lasting, leading to a reduced carbon footprint over its performance life. The easy-to-use sealant which keeps fires from spreading and one which keeps your skyscraper windows in place and protects from thermal transfer for decades without fail. The concrete admixtures which help your poured concrete harden faster, stronger, lighter than ever for a beautifully smooth finish. The all-in-one waterproofing solution completely impermeable to a drop of water and adhering tenaciously to your projects concrete foundation.
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Sika India Pvt.Ltd.

  • Rajesh Gaude
  • Goa, Verna

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Sika India Pvt.Ltd. Builder / +91-99875xxxxx
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