Shukan infra

Shukan infra

Surat, Sachin
4.4   4 4 reviews
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About Shukan infra

Since its foundation in Surat, Gujarat, Shukan Infra has been involved in developing and designing both commercial and residential engineering projects. In the infrastructural community, Mr. Rahul, the founder of the company is a name that reflects 'trust.' Our credibility lies in commitment and cost-competitiveness.We've completed a variety of construction and infrastructure projects in a variety of industries, including industrial, business parks, commercial, institutional, and government projects. When we do a job, we ensure that it is of the highest quality and completed on schedule. Because we have allowed no margin for error, our devotion to the project gives our customers a sense of trust and peace of mind.We leave a lasting legacy that will inspire future generations. We develop constructions that serve our community and inspire future generations by putting our expertise, ingenuity, and imagination into our projects. We are proud of our ability to provide a high-quality product on schedule.At Shukan Infra, we think that time is our most valuable asset, and as a result, we have established a proud history of accomplishments that demonstrate our commitment, passion, and engagement.We entered the construction and engineering sector intending to become the industry leader in product costing while achieving excellence in all areas to meet clients' high standards for quality, on-time delivery, safety, and environmental considerations. We constantly seek to develop effective management that emphasises efficiency, continuous organisation development, and teaching work ethics in all employees.Our main aim as a team is to maintain a laser-like focus on controlled organisational growth and the recognition of those who participate in it and to thrive for road construction innovation by intensive research and development, therefore meeting industry criteria.
  • Areas of Operation

    SuratSachinUnUnn PatiyaUnnSachin GIDCMukti Nagar
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Warehouse / Godown
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents

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Shukan infra

  • Rahulkumar
  • Surat, Sachin
  • 8+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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Review & Rating of Shukan infra

  • Subhankar

    Reviewed : Feb 12, 2023

    I am proud that I chose the right associates to assist in my {{services}} process


    Reviewed : Mar 14, 2022

    I have my own property and I was looking for a builder who can build a stylish apartment for me. I met a number of eager builders and then I selected this builder. All thanks to the builder, I am a proud owner of a stylish apartment today and thus, I would recommend this builder to everyone.

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Shukan infra Builder / +91-99130xxxxx
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