Shri Naman Infracity Pvt.Ltd

Shri Naman Infracity Pvt.Ltd

Babatpur, Varanasi
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About Shri Naman Infracity Pvt.Ltd

It all came into existence with the visionary common man, Late Shri Madho Prasad Ji. Born in 1906, Madho Prasad Ji was a simple, illiterate man, with dreams that would go on to define a whole era of entrepreneurship and business in coming times. He started with his own laboratory and small-time tobacco business. The initial days tested his grit and will to the brim when he used to go from shop to shop to sell the products. With uncompromised dedication, the firm grew into a distributorship and it was not long before Nandooram Khedanlal Tobacco was a national name. It was during these times when the seed of economic brilliance and understanding of the common man boomed to their fullest in the family, a trait which echoes in our veins till today. Under his guidance and commendable business leadership, Nandooram Khedanlal went on to become a pan India brand of quality tobacco. Exhibiting utmost respect for the National interests, the firm developed operations and standard operating procedures related to moving of raw materials and production-related taxes. Although it was essentially a family business, yet the corporate organization and smooth operations are something still remembered.
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Shri Naman Infracity Pvt.Ltd

  • Vishal singh
  • Babatpur, Varanasi

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