Shree Balaji Properties

Shree Balaji Properties

Khargone, Bhikangaon
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About Shree Balaji Properties

Shree Balaji Propertiesis one of the leading property dealers/brokers in Khargone (Madhya Pradesh). We are here to provide complete satisfaction to our customers, whether in terms of returns or services. Our foundation stands on principles of quality, accountability, and transparency.

We are efficient in meeting customers property needs and helping them get their desired property with total satisfaction. We take our property buyers/investors to property surveys as per their needs, show them the ideal property as per their choice, and assist them in getting their dream property for a budget-friendly price from the builders & developers. We also support customers in selling their property in the future when they want to sell their property for a highly appreciated price.

Shree Balaji Propertiesis a one-stop destination for all your property buying and selling needs. Since inception, our prime objective has been to provide exceptional real estate solutions to our esteemed customers who want to invest their money in say buying and selling apartments, houses, commercial spaces, and plots. We have a team of efficient professionals who have knowledge of property rates in Madhya Pradesh. Our expert team has complete information about real estate, especially in areas like Indore, Khandwa, and Khargone.

Why Us?

We strive to make our customers happy. We perform in a way that will benefit our valued customers. We always believe in building enduring relationships with our clientele. We have an excellent network of agents and channel partners who have been providing us with relevant information so that reliable information can be given to our customers, helping them make the right decisions regarding their buying and selling property.

  • Areas of Operation

    UjjainAgar RoadAlkapuriAnnapurna NagarBadnagarBahadurganjBarnagarChintaman JawasiyaDaudkhediDewas RoadDipti ParisarFreeganjGhatiyaGogapurKamri MargKaveri NagarKhachrodMahakal VanijyaMahananda NagarMahashakti NagarMahidpurMalipuraManchaman ColonyMitra NagarNagdaNagziriNanakhedaPawapuriRishi NagarSandipani NagarSant Kabir NagarKhalilabadSanwer RoadSethi NagarShankarpurShipra ViharShri Ram NagarTaranaUnhelmore
    BarwaniAnjadEkta NagarGurunanak NagarKhetiaPansemalRajpurSatpura ColonySendhwa
    KhargoneGogawanBhikangaonBistan RoadKasrawadMaheshwarSanawadBarwahaBhagwanpuraMandleshwarBahety ColonySegaonTejaji NagarZirniamore
    KhandwaHarsudJaswadiJawarKasal PuraL.I.G. ColonyKishore NagarLove Kush NagarMali KuwaMathelaMundiNakoda NagarNarayan NagarOmkareshwarPadam NagarPandhanaRama ColonyRameshwar NagarShahpurSihadaTighariyaTilak NagarVatsala ViharVidhyuth NagarVijay Nagar Colonymore
    IndorePalhar NagarSomani NagarA B RoadAerodrum RoadAgarwal NagarAgra Mumbai HighwayAhilyapuri ColonyAirport RoadHIlink CityAkshay Deep ColonyAlankar Palace ColonyAlok NagarAmbika PuriAmitesh NagarAnand BazarAnand Bazar RoadAnjani NagarAnnapurna Main RoadAnoop NagarAnurag NagarApollo DB CityAshish NagarAshok NagarAsrawad KhurdBHOPAL ROADBaap Jee NagarBada BangardaBaikunthdham ColonyBajrang NagarBalya KhedaBangangaBardariBasant PuriBelmont ParkBengali SquareBetmaBhagirathpuraBhaktavar Ram NagarBhawarkuaBhawraslaBicholi HapsiBicholi MardanaBicholi RoadBijalpurBombay Hospital Service RoadBraj Vihar ColonyBrijeshwari AnnexeBy Pass RoadChandra NagarChandragupta Maurya ChourahaChandralok ColonyChawaniChawniChhatribaghChhawniChhota BangardaChhoti GwaltoliChikitsak NagarChitawadClerk ColonyDepalpurDevas RoadDevguradiaDewas NakaDhanwantri NagarDhar RoadDurga ColonyDwarkapuriGandhi NagarGanesh DhamGanesh Puri ColonyGaurav NagarGeeta BhawanGeeta NagarGokul NagarGolden Palace ColonyGopur ColonyGoyal NagarGoyal ViharGreater BrijeshwariGreater VaishaliGreen Park ColonyGulab BaghGulmohar ColonyGumasta NagarHare Krishna ViharHasa KhediHatodIndira NagarIndrapuri ColonyJagjivan Ram NagarJakhyaJangeer Wala ChaurahaJanki NagarJawahar MargJhalariaJuniKachi MohallaKailash MargKalani NagarKalindi KunjKalindi MidtownKampelKanadia RoadKanadiyaKanchan BaghKeshar Bagh RoadKhajrana SquareKhajuri BazaarKhandwa RoadRanibaghKhatiwala TankKrishi MandiLal Bagh RoadLalaram NagarLasudia MoriLaxmibai NagarLig ColonyLimbodiPeace Point ColonyLodhipuraLoha MandiLoknayak NagarM G RoadMIG ColonyMR 10MR 11MR 9 RoadMa Vihahr ColonyMahalakshmi NagarSector ASector RTulsi NagarMahalaxmi ColonyMahatma Gandhi RoadMahesh NagarMalharganjMalwa MillManavta NagarMangal Murti NagarMangal NagarManglaya SadakMangliaManikbagManishpuriManorama GanjManpurMansarovar NagarMayakhediMeghdoot NagarMhowMhow RoadMhowgaonModel Town ColonyMoti TabelaMusakhediNagar NigamNainodNand NagarNanda NagarNarayan BaghNavlakhaNayta MundlaNemawar RoadNew PalasiaNihalpur MundiNipaniaNiranjanpurNoorani NagarOld PalasiaOmaxe CityPalasia SquarePaliwal NagarPalsikar ColonyPanchderiyaPanchmurti NagarPanchsheel NagarPanchwati ColonyParaspar NagarPardesipuraPatni PuraPipli BazarPipliya KumarPipliyahanaPithampurPrakash NagarPrem NagarPushp ViharR N T MargRTO RoadRace Course RoadRaj MohallaRajendra Nagar ColonyVIP Paraspar NagarRajwadaRambagRani Bagh MainRani Sati ColonyRanipuraRatlam KothiRau Pithampur RoadRau RoadRegal CircleRing RoadRunji GautampuraSadar BazarSagore Kuti RoadSai Kripa ColonySaket NagarSampat HillsSampath FarmsSanchar NagarSangam NagarOm ViharSanjana ParkSanwerSanwer RoadSapna Sangeeta RoadSarnath ColonySarv Suvidha NagarSatellite Junction Main RoadSatya Sai SquareSawerScheme 103Scheme 113Scheme 114Scheme 134Scheme 54Scheme 71Scheme 74Scheme 78Scheme 94Scheme 97Scheme No 114Scheme No 136Scheme No 140Scheme No 171Scheme No 51Scheme No 71Scheme No 78Scheme No. 140Shalimar Malva EnclaveShalimar TownshipShanti NiketanShastri MarketShiv Shakti NagarShivampuri ColonyShiwniShree NagarShri NagarShri Ram NagarShri Yantra NagarShyam NagarSilicon CitySimrolSindhi ColonySingapore TownshipSinhasaSitabag ColonySiyaganjSneh NagarSnehlataganjSouth TukoganjSudama NagarSukhliaKalpana NagarSunder ViharSuper CorridorSurya Dev NagarSuvidhi NagarTCS SquareTalawali ChandaTejaji NagarTejpur GadbadiTelephone NagarTigaria BadshahTilak NagarTilak Nagar ExtensionTilak PathTillor KhurdTransport NagarTriveni ColonyTulsi NagarUdhyog NagarUjjain RoadUsha NagarVaibhav NagarVaishali NagarVallabh NagarVandana NagarVasant ViharVeena NagarVidya NagarVigyan NagarVijay NagarVishnupuri ColonyVrindavanY N RoadYeshwant Colonymore
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    Farm House Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Industrial Land Warehouse / Godown Factory Villa
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Review & Rating of Shree Balaji Properties

  • Yadav

    Reviewed : Sep 09, 2024

    Excellent and Very Professional

  • Jaydeep Sangle

    Reviewed : Aug 03, 2024

    Overall it is a great deal with this property agent in Bhikangaon, Khargone

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Shree Balaji Properties Agent / +91-80852xxxxx

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