Shree Balaji Industries

Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
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About Shree Balaji Industries

Shree Balaji Group ventured into the real estate sector in early 2006, and weve been crafting iconic spaces ever since. Over the past few years, weve created premium luxury residences and living spaces for the elite and bourgeois class, and some noteworthy business hubs for the scions of Gujarat. As a young company, we have successfully channelized the fervour of youth building almost eighty-lakh sqft of premium spaces in the last decade. What speaks volumes about our aggressive approach is the fact that we have another eighty-lakh sqft of space under construction as we speak. Gone are the days when numbers of years spent in the industry were the sole indicator of ones repute and character. Today, the Shree Balaji Group brand name is synonymous with international design standards in architecture, an obsession for high-quality execution, and warm after-sales care.
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    Real Estate Agents Building Contractors

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Shree Balaji Industries

  • Prabhu Bhadada
  • Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
  • Has Office in Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

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Shree Balaji Industries Agent / +91-86908xxxxx
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