Satkar Green

Naroda, Ahmedabad
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About Satkar Green

Satkar Green is a well known firm in the field of infrastructure. They deal in housing sectors and have carved a niche for themselves in that area. They have undertaken numerous prestigious projects and have successfully delivered the same. They are not simply economically viable, but at the same time fulfill their social responsibilities. They value their customers to the core and believe that their people and their values are the key factors for their success. The group has constantly reinvented itself by following their core values of integrity, trust and customer orientation. They believe in sound execution which makes the difference in their final analysis. They continue to deliver their promises to their clients by providing them with exceptional projects.
  • Areas of Operation

  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Commercial Shops
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents

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Satkar Green

  • Satkar Green
  • Naroda, Ahmedabad
  • 15+ Year of Experience
  • Has 11 to 25 People working with him

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Satkar Green Builder / +91-87358xxxxx
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