Sanjeev Mahajan & Associates

Sanjeev Mahajan & Associates

Trikuta Nagar, Jammu
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About Sanjeev Mahajan & Associates

The real estate sector has seen tremendous growth in the last few decades. The increase in the demand for properties has resulted in the price rise of properties by leaps and bounds. Thus, buying a property today is not a cake-walk and people should definitely plan well ahead of time in order to get a suitable property for their undertakings. And, we are here to help you in this process. As a real estate agent, we are here to make the property buying and selling process easier for you. Not just this, with our assistance, you will be able to take care of a whole lot of operations related to properties, be it property management, renovation, property legal matters etc.
  • Areas of Operation

    JammuTrikuta Nagar
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Sanjeev Mahajan & Associates

  • Mr. Sanjeev Mahajan
  • Trikuta Nagar, Jammu

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