Sadguna Properties

Sadguna Properties

Bachupally, Hyderabad
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About Sadguna Properties

Based in Hyderabad (Telangana), Sadguna Properties is one of the most trusted real estate consulting firms dealing with residential and commercial buyers, sellers, and renters. We strive to ensure a seamless property buying, selling, and renting experience.

We offer world-class projects and iconic properties in Hyderabad and Karimnagar. With our guidance and assistance, you can buy your dream property with absolute peace of mind and total satisfaction. We are an exclusive marketing partner for various prestigious projects built and developed by top builders. Our association with reliable names in the market enables us to meet our customer's dreams and requirements by providing relevant property options. If you are looking for investment in Hyderabad and Karimnagar, we have affordable properties for your requirements. We deal in apartments, duplexes, villas, commercial spaces, etc.

  • Areas of Operation

    HyderabadBachupallyMiyapurBahadurpallyBeeramgudaSai Krupa ColonyVandanapuri ColonyBhanurBoduppalChanda NagarDulapallyDundigalGachibowliIndira NagarRolling HillsGandi MaisammaGandimaisammaGandipetGopanpallyHITEC CityArunodaya ColonyHafeezpetAmbedkar NagarHitech CityBlock ABlock BBlock CBlock DBlock GBlock HArunodaya ColonyVittal Rao NagarIT ParkKazipetKismathpurKismatpurKistareddypetKokapetKollurKollur VillageKolluruKompallyJaibery ColonySrisai EnclaveSwarnadhama NagarKondapurAnand Nagar ColonyJubilee Garden LayoutPrashant NagarRaghavendra ColonyRaja Rajeswaeri ColonySafari NagarSri Ram Nagar ColonyWhitefieldsKothagudaKrishna Reddy PetKukatpallyBalaji NagarKPHB 1st PhaseKPHB 2nd PhaseKPHB 3rd PhaseKPHB 4th PhaseKPHB 5th PhaseKPHB 6th PhaseKPHB 7th PhaseKPHB 9th PhaseKPHB ColonySardar Patel NagarVasanth NagarLingampallyPapi Reddy ColonySrilingampallyMadhapurKaveri Hills Phase 1Kaveri Hills Phase 2Mega HillsMadhava Nagar ColonyMadhavi NagarMadinagudaManchirevulaManikondaAlkapuriKpr ColonyPanchavathi ColonySri Bagyalaxmi ColonySrinivasa ColonyMannegudaMasjid BandaMatrusri NagarMedchalMedipallyP&T ColonyDowa ColonyHmt Swarnapuri ColonyJPN NagarJanapriya NagarJp NagarMatrushree NagarMayuri NagarNew ColonyPragathi EnclavePrashanth NagarWidia ColonyMokilaMoosapetNallagandlaNanakramgudaFinancial DistrictNarapallyNizampet7hillsBalaji ColonyBalajihills ColonyBrundavan ColonyGowtami NagarHi Rise ColonyKtr ColonyMeridian EnclaveNandamuri NagarRajeev Gandhi NagarSrinivasa Nagar ColonyVenkatraya NagarOU ColonyPatancheruPeerzadigudaKakatiya HillsLakeview ColonyMadhura NagarPrashanthi HillsSrinivas Nagar ColonySingapore TownshipSuchitra RoadSultanpurSun CityTellapurUppalBrindavan ColonyKalyan Puri ColonyMaruthi Nagar ColonyPrasanth NagarRam Reddy ColonySaraswathi Nagar ColonyUpparpallyGagillapurPragathi NagarLanger HousePocharamChandanagarBandlaguda JagirAppa JunctionAramgharCBIT ColonyJyothi Nagar ColonyNizampet VillageBadangpetBandlagudaBhel ColonyGayatri NagarNew Hema Nagar ColonySaraswati Nagar ColonyRTC ColonyDharmareddy Colony Phase 2GajularamaramMallareddy NagarJeedimetlaK P H B Phase 4KandlakoyaKarimnagar HighwayBharath Nagar ColonySri Ram ColonyMadhapuri HillsDeepthi Sree NagarPjr EnclaveNarsingiOsman NagarRajendra NagarRamachandra PuramRameshwaram BandaSerilingampallyGulmohar Park ColonyVenkat Reddy ColonySuraramWarangal HighwayJubilee HillsMallampetAminpurVelimelaAllwyn ColonyAlwalCityzen ColonyFather Balaji NagarMangapuram ColonyChakrapuri ColonyNarendra Nagar ColonyAnand BaghAnjaneya NagarAnkireddypalliAnnojigudaAttapurBN Reddy NagarBlock G GachibowliBlock H GachibowliHema NagarBowrampetChengicherlaDomalgudaFilm NagarHimayat NagarAvanthi NagarHyder Shah KoteHydershakoteIsnapurMastan NagarNandagiri HillsNavanirman NagarPrashasan NagarSilent Valley HillsVenkatagiriKhajagudaKhanammetKing KotiMaitri Vanam ColonyKotiL. B. NagarLahari Green ParkMacha BollaramMallapurJayprakash NagarMount OperaMuthangiMythri NagarNH 44NH 7NH 9NandigamaNarayangudaPrasanna NagarPrashanthi NagarQuthbullapurBhavanipuramRamanthapurEndowmet ColonyGokhale NagarSrinivasapuramRampallyUppugudaVanasthalipuramAndhra Kesari NagarBhagyalatha ColonyFCI ColonyGandhi Nagar South ColonyBairagigudaBalanagarDullapallyGolconda FortGolkondaGurram GudaHabsigudaHydergudaInzapurKardhanurKavuri HillsLanco HillsLangar HouzPatighanpurVattinagulapallyNagoleKapraGundlapochampalliSapthagiri ColonyShamshabadPuppalagudaAmeerpetLeelanagarSiddarth Nagarmore
    WarangalDesaipet RoadDharmasagarGirmajipetHanamkondaExcise ColonyHasanparthyKazipetLabour ColonyMogilicherlaNaim NagarJangaonNarsampetMedaramCherialChinna PendyalaNarsampet RoadParkalRaghunathapallyRamannapetShambunipetSrinagar ColonyThorrurVardhanapetamore
    MedakRamachandrapuramRamachandrapuram Bhel Township
    KarimnagarSai NagarBhagath NagarKothirampurVavilalapallyDharmaramGandhi RoadGollapalliJyothinagarKatta RampurMalkapur RoadManakondurMankamma ThotaSubhash NagarTheegalagutta PalleChinta KuntaGangadharaHiremath LayoutJallaramMallialMedipalleThimmapurmore
    SecunderabadUppalChilkalgudaDiamond PointDullapallyECIL Cross RoadGhatkesarGowlipuraMallapurMedhchalVenkatapuramVikrampuriWest Maredpallymore
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    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments Villa
  • Services Offered

    Interior Decorators Real Estate Agents Building Contractors Property Consultants

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Sadguna Properties

  • Swamy Reddy Javidi
  • Bachupally, Hyderabad
  • 11+ Year of Experience
  • Has 11 to 25 People working with him
  • Has Office in Sai Nagar, Karimnagar

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Review & Rating of Sadguna Properties


    Reviewed : Nov 03, 2024

    Provided me good and sincere services….the best property agent in Bachupally, Hyderabad

  • Milind

    Reviewed : Dec 02, 2023

    I was shifted to the new city for my job purpose and wanted to get a property on rent or as a paying guest. I am thankful to this real estate agent for helping me reaching out to the reliable lessors or renters. I got my rented flat at a very affordable rent and at the exact location in which I wanted.

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Sadguna Properties Agent / +91-90300xxxxx
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