New Town, Kolkata
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An eminent name in the realty sector of West Bengal, SAAVI REALITY is a one-stop shop for all real estate needs of people. We, at SAAVI REALITY, offer the ultimate experience in real estate deals to our clients. We make sure that all the real estate transactions are done with total peace of mind under an overarching umbrella of trust.

At SAAVI REALITY, our endeavor is to offer a dream home to a property buyer. We help property seekers/investors to select the right kind of property from our verified list of properties for sale in Kolkata and North 24 Parganas. We always suggest the best property that is suitable for the buyers. We also offer a progressive and innovative approach towards matters like how to promote a property for sale/rent using smart marketing strategies. We can help people find the finest properties for rent and PG accommodations in prime locations of Kolkata and North 24 Parganas. Our services are aimed at making beneficial deals for our clients and offering them a great purchasing, selling, and renting property experience.

We are backed by a team of talented and experienced individuals who are well-versed with all the latest real estate trends. Our team is also competent in taking care of required paper works and property loan-related issues of our clients.

Our expertise lies in handling a wide range of individual houses, residential flats, commercial spaces, offices, retail stores, etc. in Kolkata and North 24 Parganas. Feel free to contact us at SAAVI REALITY to get the best quality real estate solutions at a reasonable price.

  • Areas of Operation

    KolkataHatiaraAJC Bose RoadAPC RoadAction Area IIIAction Area IIIC NewtownAgarparaAghore SaraniAirport RoadAjay NagarAjoy NagarAliporeAmtalaAnanda Pur Kasba Industrial EstateAnandapurAnandapur Kasba Industries Phase 3AndulAnwar Shah RoadArapanchAsansolAshok NagarAshutosh Mukherjee RoadAzadgarhB T RoadSinthi MoreBBD BagBL Saha RoadBablatalaBaghajatinBaghbazarBagmariBagree MarketBaguiatiZarda BaganBaithakkhanaBaktiar Shah RoadBakul BaganBakultalaBallyBallygungeBallygunge Circular RoadBallygunge PhariBamangachiBangurBangur AvenueBantalaBaraBara BazarBaranagarNoaparaBarasatBarasat Colony MoreChampadaliDakshinparaHridaypurNabapallyPurbachalBarishaAnandapuriPatuliaBeckbaganBediadangaBediaparaBehalaBehala ChowrastaBehala ThanaBehala Unique ParkBhattacharjee Para LocalityHo Chi Minh SaraniJames Long SaraniMullick ColonySenhati ColonyBeleghataBelgachiaBelghariaBeliaghataBeniapukurBeniatolaBentink StreetBhatendaBhawanipurBhojerhatBhowaniporeBakul BariBidhan PallyBidhan SaraniBidhannagarBidyadharpurBijoygarhBiratiKhalisha KotaBondal GateBonhooghlyBoral Main RoadBose ParaBosepukurBow BarracksBowbazarLebutalaBrabourne RoadBrahmapurBrindavan GardenBudge BudgeBarabalidangaSubhas PallyTejganjBuroshibtallaBurrabazar KolkataBypass RoadC. R. AvenueCF Block Salt LakeCalcutta GreensCamac Street AreaAnanda PalitChak GariaChakraberiaChandi Charan Ghosh RoadChinar ParkChingrighataChinsurahChiriamoreChowbagaChowhatiChristopher RoadChunavatiCit RoadCity Center 1College SquareCossiporeDakshindari RoadDakshineswarDankuniDarga RoadDarjiparaDebrupayan NagarDeshbandhu NagarDesopriya ParkDhakuriaDhapaDhulagoriDiamond Harbour RoadDum DumDum Dum CantonmentJhilbaganSatgachiDunlopDurganagarE M BypassEastern BypassEkbalpurEkdalia RoadElginElgin RoadEm Bypass ExtensionEntallyEsplanadeGanesh Chandra AvenueGangajoaraGanganagarGanguly BaganGarchaGarden ReachGarfaGariaGaria Station RoadFartabadKanugo ParkKanunho ParkLaxminarayan ColonyRamgarhGariahatBallygunge GardensGhatakpukurGirish ParkGitanjali ParkGolaghata RoadGolf GardenGolf GreenGolf TowerGolparkSucheta NagarHaraharitalaHaridebpurHarinaviHarish Mukherjee RoadHatibaganHazraHiland ParkHindmotorHindustan MoreHindustan ParkHo Chi Minh SaraniHowrahHussainpurJadavpurBapuji NagarSukanta SetuJadhavpurJadubabur BazarJamuna NagarJatin Das ParkJawaharlal Nehru RoadJessore RoadJodhpur ParkJodhpur ColonyJodhpur GardenJokaBardhanpalliJorasankoJowpur RoadKabardangaKalighatMudialiKalikapurKalikapur Ekta GardensKalyaniKamalalaya CentreKamalgachiKamarhatiKamdahariKankuliaKankurgachiKaraidangaKaraya RoadKasbaKasba EastKunj ViharKeshtopurHanaparaKestopurKeyatalaKhariberiaKhasmallikKhidirpurKhudiramKhurigachiKidderporeKona Exp WayKonnagarKudghatKustiaLake AvenueLake GardensLake MarketLake TerraceLake TownBlock ABlock BLake View RoadLal BazarLee RoadLenin SaraniLouden StreetLower RangeMG RoadMadhyamgramMadurdahaMahamaya TalaMalanchaMandirtalaMangoe LaneManicktalaManiktalaMankundu Station RoadManohar Pukur RoadMetiabruzMetropolitanMiddleton RowMiddleton StreetMinto ParkMohammadpur New TownMominpurMonohar Pukur 2nd LaneMotilal ColonyMotilal Gupta RoadMoulaliMoynagarhMukundapurPurbalokMullickbazarN S C Bose RoadNH 6Nager BazarNarayanpurNarayantalaNarendrapurKamalgaziNarkel DangaNarkeldangaNaskarhatNayabadNaboditNazirabadNepalgunjNetaji NagarSahapurNew BarrakpurMichael NagarNew GariaNew Market AreaNew TownAction Area IAction Area IIAction Area IIBAction Area IIEChandakanthal BeriaSRCM RoadNimtaNimtollaNorth PurbachalPaddapukurPaikparaPailanPanchasayarPanchpotaPanditiya RoadPanihatiPansilaPark CircusPark StreetParnashreePaschim PutiaryHaridevpurTollygunge KarunamoyeePatipukurPatuliPhoolbaganPicnic GardenPicnic Garden RoadUttar Panchanna GramVip NagarPodaraPoddar Nagar IiPrince Anwar Shah Rd.Prince Gulam Md. Shah RoadPurba BarishaPurba SinthiPurbalokPurna Das RoadR B ConnectorRabindra NagarRabindra SaraniRabindra Sarova MetroRabindra SarovarRadhanath Chowdhury RoadRafi Ahmed Kidwai RoadRaghunathpurSarkar BaganRaigachhiRaja BazarRaja Raj Ballav StreetRajabasanta Roy RoadRajarhatKaliparkNarayanpurRajdanga Main RoadRamchandrapurRamkrishna NagarRamrajtalaRanikuthiRasapunjaRash BehariRawdon Street AreaRegent ParkRipon StreetRitchie RoadRowland RowRuby Hosp. Main RoadS. N. Baerjee RoadSahid NagarSakher BazarSalkiaSalt LakeBlock A Sector 1Block A Sector 2Block AABlock BBlock B Sector 1Block B Sector 2Block C Sector 1Block C Sector 2Block C Sector 3Block D Sector 1Block D Sector 2Block D Sector 5Block E Sector 1Block E Sector 2Block E Sector 3Block E Sector 5Block F Sector 2Block F Sector 3Block G Sector 3Block G Sector 5Block H Sector 3Block I Sector 3Block J Sector 3Block K Sector 3Block L Sector 3Sector 1Sector 2Sector 3Sector 5AC Block Sector 1Block CMahabir VikasMahish BathanSraboni AbassanSukanta NagarSaluaSapuiparaSarani KalindiSarat Bose RoadSarat Chatterjee RoadSarsunaSatyajit KananScience CitySeal LaneSealdahSelimpurShakespeare SaraniShayamnagar RoadShibrampurShinti MoreShobhabazar StreetShyam BazaarShyamnagarShyampurSilparaSinthiSodepurBankimpallyH B TownBose BaganSoroban Bose RoadSouth AvenueSouth Canal RoadSouth CitySovabazarSwabhumiSwinhoe LaneTagore ParkTalaTaltalaTangraTara ParkTara TalaTaruliaTeghoriaNishikananThakdariThakurpukurTheatre RoadTirettiTollygungeKalabaganTopsiaTriangular ParkUchhepotaUltadangaUniworld CityUttarbhagV I P RoadVivekananda NagarWellingtonWeston StreetKaikhalimore
    HowrahHowrah G. T. Road
    North 24 ParganasNagerbazar
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    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
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  • Surjit Yadav
  • New Town, Kolkata
  • 8+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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  • Dwell Lbc

    Reviewed : Dec 18, 2023

    Services offered at SAAVI REALITY are extremely good

  • Pranati Samal

    Reviewed : Jan 07, 2023

    This real estate agent has helped me in purchasing a land of my own. I wanted to purchase a land out of the city and thus, I contacted this agent. The agent helped me in getting the best deal for the land that I wanted to purchase. And, now I am a proud owner of my dream house on that particular land. Thank you!

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