S.K. Enterprises

S.K. Enterprises

Chembur, Mumbai
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About S.K. Enterprises

S.K. ENTERPRISES is a Real Estate Company established in the year 2004 with roots in Mumbai India.This Company was founded by Mr B. Kabeer he has vast experience of about 28 years in the field of property dealings, marketing in Middle East countries and also in South India. He his been associated with many multinational builders and their associates in Middle East Countries. He has completed many property dealings in different states with utmost satisfaction of the clients. Mr Kabeer is havinggoodcontacts with small andmedium entrepreneurs in the rural, urban areas, and even interiorof Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala. S. K. ENTERPRISES provide client with the best legal experts for documentations and consultation of the property before the dealings to safeguard our clients. The mission of our firm is to achieve client satisfaction through understanding the requirements and expectations of the client and also assist buyers and sellers in making the BEST real estate decisions possible by providing relevant knowledge,collaboration, professionalism and a memorable experience.we deal in Residential Property , Commercial Property in kochi & mumbai
  • Areas of Operation

    MumbaiChemburChembur EastSion EastGhatkopar EastDiamond Garden
    ThaneDombivli East
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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S.K. Enterprises

  • Mr. B. Kabeer
  • Chembur, Mumbai

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S.K. Enterprises Agent / +91-98947xxxxx
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