RKM Promoters

RKM Promoters

Thanjavur, Kumbakonam
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About RKM Promoters

RKM Promoters is the one of the prominent real estate promoters in and around thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Mannargudi district along side of deltas region in Tamil Nadu. In 2014 we started our journey as a land mediator where we act a bridge between land sellers and promoters on commission basis. Later on 2016 we started our own promotions company where we did only promotion for some of the top real estate companies for their sites. After years of continuous effort and hardworking we entered into a new chapter as a real estate marketing and promotions in the name of RKM promoters. It all started with a tiny team of 5 members and now we have grown up to a team of 30+ members to provide extreme customer services to all our clients. We will have a close follow up throughout your process from appointment booking to final registration. As a marketing and promotion company we provide End-to-End services from drafting layouts, put them in proper marketing place to make it more visible to the people and help them in getting the best deal which profitable for both the buyers and sellers.
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    Builders Real Estate Agents

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RKM Promoters

  • RKM Promoters
  • Thanjavur, Kumbakonam
  • 11+ Year of Experience

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RKM Promoters Builder / +91-63837xxxxx
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