About Real Time Properties And Construction
The real estate sector has become a very fiercely competitive sector today with many already in the industry. But despite the fiercely competitive world we at Real Time Property And Construction have managed to remain at the top. It has been possible because of the trust and reliability that our patrons have endowed on us.
And now it is time for us to give them even more in return. That is why we have enhanced our services after listening to the feedback from our clients. This has helped us in serving them better. Today we have become one of the leading names in the industry.
We cater to clients from all over Goa with the many services that we have enlisted under our company name. We take every action in accordance with the norms and regulations that govern the industry so that there is authenticity in our services. Our business ethics and transparency have made us into one of the most appreciated companies striving to serve our clients with consistent quality.
Since the time we have been in the industry, we have developed in leaps and bounds because of the innovative spirit in us and our hunger to come up with the latest trends and fashions. This is why our clients keep looking up to us as one of the most fast forward and technologically sound and advanced companies.
We have been guided by our founder and CEO, Mr. Sujit Kumar with profound care and expertise and have now become one of the most renowned real estate houses in Goa.
Areas of Operation
HyderabadAbdullahpurmetAbidsAdarsh NagarAddaguttaAdithya NagarAfzal GunjAleruAliabadAllwyn ColonyAlmasgudaAlwalCityzen ColonyFather Balaji NagarMangapuram ColonyAmberpetAmeerpetLeelanagarSiddarth NagarAnand BaghAnandbaghAnkireddypalliAnnojigudaAppa JunctionAs Rao NagarAshok NagarAsif NagarDattatreya ColonyAttapurCBIT ColonyJyothi Nagar ColonyAuto NagarAzamabadBN Reddy NagarBabul Reddy NagarBachupallyNizampet VillageBagh LingampallyBaghlingampallyBahadurpallyBahadurpuraBalaji NagarBalanagarBalapurBandlagudaBandlaguda JagirBanjara HillsMithila Nagar ColonyBarkatpuraBasheerabadBasheerbaghBeeramgudaSai Krupa ColonyVandanapuri ColonyBegumpetPrakash NagarBhagya NagarBibi NagarBoduppalGayatri NagarHema NagarNew Hema Nagar ColonySaraswati Nagar ColonyBogaramBoinpalliBolarumBommalaramaramBorabandaBowenpallyHal ColonyKalinga EnclaveShanker EnclaveBoyigudaChaitanyapuriChanda NagarChandanagarRTC ColonyChandragiri ColonyChandrayanguttaSubhan ColonyCharminarChengicherlaChevellaChevella MandlaChikkadpallyChilkurChimiralaChintalChintalakuntaAgamaiah NagarChintalkuntaChitrapuri ColonyChotuppalDamigudaDammaigudaRaghuram NagarDomalgudaDullapallyDundigalECILEcil Dae ColonyEcil Northkamala NagarEcil South KamalanagarFatehnagarFilm NagarGachibowliIndira NagarRolling HillsMallareddy NagarGajwelGayatri HillsGolconda FortHITEC CityArunodaya ColonyHabsigudaHafeezpetAmbedkar NagarHafiz Baba NagarHasthinapuram‎HayathnagarMidhani ColonySurya ColonyHimayat NagarAvanthi NagarHitech CityBlock ABlock BBlock CBlock DBlock GBlock HArunodaya ColonyVittal Rao NagarHmt HillsHuda ColonyHydergudaIbrahimpatnamJawahar NagarJubilee HillsMastan NagarNandagiri HillsNavanirman NagarPrashasan NagarSilent Valley HillsK P H B Phase 4KapraBhavani NagarJj Nagar ColonyPalle EnclaveParimal NagarKarimnagar HighwayKarkhanaKing KotiKismathpurKismatpurBharath Nagar ColonyKokapetKollurKollur VillageKolluruKompallyJaibery ColonyMaitri Vanam ColonySrisai EnclaveSwarnadhama NagarKondapurAnand Nagar ColonyJubilee Garden LayoutPrashant NagarRaghavendra ColonyRaja Rajeswaeri ColonySafari NagarSri Ram Nagar ColonyWhite FieldsKongara KalanKothapetGreen Hills ColonyKothurJP DargaKotiKotla AlijahKowkurKavadigudaKavuri HillsKukatpallyBalaji NagarKPHB 1st PhaseKPHB 2nd PhaseKPHB 3rd PhaseKPHB 4th PhaseKPHB 5th PhaseKPHB 6th PhaseKPHB 7th PhaseKPHB 9th PhaseKPHB ColonySardar Patel NagarVasanth NagarL. B. NagarLakdikapulAC GuardsLalagudaLalapetLangar HouzLanger HouseLingampallyPapi Reddy ColonySrilingampallyMacha BollaramMadhapurKaveri Hills Phase 1Kaveri Hills Phase 2Mega HillsSri Ram ColonyMadhapuri HillsMadhava Nagar ColonyMadinagudaDeepthi Sree NagarPjr EnclaveMahendra HillsMalakpetAkbar BaghBank ColonyMalkajgiriGautham NagarGeetha NagarHanumanpetJyothi NagarVasanthapuri ColonyManikondaAlkapuriKpr ColonyPanchavathi ColonySri Bagyalaxmi ColonySrinivasa ColonyMarredpallyMaruthi NagarMasab TankMedchalMedipallyP&T ColonyMeerpetMehdipatnamAlapati Nagar ColonyAyodhya Nagar ColonyGudimalakpurKranthi Nagar ColonyNavodhaya ColonyVijaya Nagar ColonyMiyapurDowa ColonyHmt Swarnapuri ColonyJPN NagarJanapriya NagarJayprakash NagarJp NagarMatrushree NagarMayuri NagarNew ColonyPragathi EnclavePrashanth NagarWidia ColonyMoinabadMoosapetMoosarambaghMoti NagarMoula AliAPHB ColonyMount OperaMucherlaNacharamNagaramShilpa NagarSv NagarNagarjuna Sagar HighwayNagoleLakshmi Narasimha ColonySai NagarNallakuntaNampallyNanakramgudaFinancial DistrictNanal NagarNandigamaNarapallyNarayangudaNarsingiNeredmetNew MalakpetAnand Nagar ColonyNew NallakuntaNizampet7hillsBalaji ColonyBalajihills ColonyBrundavan ColonyGowtami NagarHi Rise ColonyKtr ColonyMeridian EnclaveNandamuri NagarSrinivasa Nagar ColonyVenkatraya NagarOU ColonyOld MalakpetOsman NagarPadmanabha NagarPadmarao NagarPanjaguttaPatancheruPathergattiPragathi NagarKakatiya HillsLakeview ColonyMadhura NagarPrashanthi HillsSrinivas Nagar ColonyPunjaguttaIrram Manzil ColonyQuthbullapurRP RoadRTC X RoadsRai DurgRaj BhavanRaj Bhavan RoadRajendra NagarRamachandra PuramBhavanipuramRamanthapurEndowmet ColonyGokhale NagarSrinivasapuramRamoji Film CitySainikpurimore GoaAldonaAlto BetimAlto PorvorimArambolArporaAssoaeraBagaBambolim ComplexBardezOxelSalvador Do MundoBastoraBetimBicholimMulgaoCalanguteCobra VaddoGauravaddoKhobra WaddoCalaporCaranzalemColvaleDevashri Pinto VilleDona PaulaGoa VelhaJairam NagarKadamba PlateauMapusaCancaCunchelimDangui ColonyEkta NagarKaraswadaKhorlimShree GaneshpuriMarcelaMarnaMercesMiramarNaval Base VeremNerulNorth GoaAnjunaAssagaonBainguinimBambolimCamurlimCarambolimDodamargGuirimKaraswadaMandremMoiraNachinolaNagoaParcemSocorroTiswadiTivimVeremVerla CancaOld GoaCorlimPanjimAltinhoAshwemMG RoadMiramarPattoSanta Inez PanjimSt EstevamUpasnagarCampalPattoPatto ColonySanta InezToncaParraPenha-de-FrancaPernemPilerneChogm RoadDefence ColonyPDA ColonySocorroRevoraRibandarSaligaoSanta CruzSiolimSt. InezTaleigaoTambdi SurlaTiswadiTivim Industrial EstateVagatorChapora Beach RoadSt. InezAssolnaSircaimAdvalpalePiligaoSarvanBicholum Industrial EstateBogmaloPorba VaddoSequeira VaddoChoraoConcolimDias VaddoAlto DulerDattawadiNarayandev ColonyMardolNessaiNeuraAmonaKarmaliChoraoDivarDivar IslandPissurlemSasoliSodiem SiolimUcassaimOrlimM G RoadRivonaSadaDesai NagarKarapurVasant Nagar GroundSanto Estevam (St.Estevam)St. Joseda AzealTiseamore
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Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments Villa
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Review & Rating of Real Time Properties And Construction
Reviewed : Mar 01, 2021
We were looking for a real estate agent that can help us in getting a 2BHK flat in a posh location. And, one of my friends suggested this real estate agent. The agent helped us in cracking the most lucrative deal and now, we owned a home of our dreams. Thanks to the agent, we got the perfect flat we were looking for.
Reviewed : Feb 22, 2021
I was shifted to the new city for my job purpose and wanted to get a property on rent or as a paying guest. I am thankful to this real estate agent for helping me reaching out to the reliable lessors or renters. I got my rented flat at a very affordable rent and at the exact location in which I wanted.

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