Rainbow City Properties

Rainbow City Properties

Sobhan, Darbhanga
4.3   5 5 reviews
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About Rainbow City Properties

Rainbow City Properties is one of the distinguished names in the realty sector of Darbhanga (Bihar), which is intently engaged in providing people with exceptional property buying and property selling services. We are a customer-oriented organization and we have made the process of the purchase and sale of different commercial and residential properties in Darbhanga easier and more convenient.

With our buying property services, we help property buyers to get their dream homes while taking care of procedures including viewing available properties, arranging meetings between property sellers and property buyers, price negotiation, paperwork, and registration. We are offering sell-property services allowing property sellers to book with us and find potential buyers for their old properties. We help property buyers to get the finest properties for sale at the best price possible. Through our unparalleled services and personalized attention to each customer, we are progressing in the business establishing a distinct place for ourselves in the real estate sector of Darbhanga.

Working for us is a team of reliable real estate dealers and real estate agents who are highly dedicated and working in this field for so many years. Since our inception, we have always tried to assist our customers in cracking suitable and beneficial deals.

Our company is owned and administered by Mr. Ghulam Mozakkir Khan Jalwi. He is a proficient leader, who always motivates his staff and wants his staff members to perform extraordinarily and achieve the set business targets.

We mainly offer a wide variety of residential and commercial properties for sale in the areas like Alalpatti, Laheriasarai, Donar, Kadirabad, Kathalbari, Laxmisagar, Kilaghat, Rajkumarganj, Gullowara, Sobhan, Basudevpur, Bela Dullah, Mirzapur, Sundarpur, Ranipur, BIRAUL, Bijuli, Delhi More, Dhoi, Mansaar Colony, Ughra, Kamtoul, Bahadurpur, Bihatwara, Bhathiarisarai, Mamal, Mabbi Belauna, Rahamganj, Bada Bazar, Manigachhi, Shubhankarpur, Babu Saheb colony, Kusheshwar Asthan Purbi, Rasulpur Sahila, Keotiranwe, Baheri, Kallur, Chittoor, etc. Go through the list of properties listed with us and get your desired home, commercial property, and residential land/plot in Darbhanga at the best price.

  • Areas of Operation

    DarbhangaShubhankarpurAlalpattiBIRAULBada BazarBahadurpurBaheriBasudevpurBela DullahBhathiarisaraiBihatwaraBijuliDelhi MoreDhoiDonarGullowaraKadirabadKamtoulKathalbariKeotiranweKilaghatKusheshwar Asthan PurbiLaheriasaraiBabu Saheb colonyLaxmisagarMabbi BelaunaMamalManigachhiMansaar ColonyMirzapurRahamganjRajkumarganjRanipurRasulpur SahilaSobhanSundarpurUghramore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Rainbow City Properties

  • Ghulam Mozakkir Khan Jalwi
  • Sobhan, Darbhanga
  • 3+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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Review & Rating of Rainbow City Properties

  • anant

    Reviewed : May 16, 2023

    Rainbow City Properties is a dependable real estate consultant in Sobhan, Darbhanga consulting with an honest approach

  • Amit Patle

    Reviewed : Apr 15, 2023

    We were looking for a real estate agent that can help us in getting a 2BHK flat in a posh location. And, one of my friends suggested this real estate agent. The agent helped us in cracking the most lucrative deal and now, we owned a home of our dreams. Thanks to the agent, we got the perfect flat we were looking for.

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Rainbow City Properties Agent / +91-94314xxxxx
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