Prime Property and Builders

Prime Property and Builders

Civil Lines, Ludhiana
4.7   3 3 reviews
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About Prime Property and Builders

Sale , purchase and rental property on commission basis which is 1% to 2% for sale and purchase and rental property for 15 days a month once time from both sides.
  • Areas of Operation

    LudhianaCivil LinesAarti ChowkAdjoining Green CityAgar NagarAjit NagarAkalgarhAman NagarAman ParkAshapuriAtam NagarBRS NagarBaddowalBajwa NagarBani ParkBaran HaraBarewal RoadBasant AvenueBasant CityBhai Randhir Singh NagarBharat NagarBhattianBirmiCanal RoadChander NagarChandigarh RoadChaura BazarCheema ChowkClock Tower RdCollege RoadCountry HomesDal BazarDaresi RoadDeepak Cinema RoadDehlonDelhi RoadDev NagarDhandari KalanDhandra RoadDholewalDorahaDugriDugri Urban EstatePhase IPhase IIIPhase IiDurga PuriFeroz Gandhi MarketFerozepur roadField GunjFocal PointG. T. RoadGhumar MandiGiaspuraGill RoadGobind NagarGreen AvenueGujjarwalGurdev NagarGurpal NagarGuru Arjan Dev NagarGuru Gian ViharGuru Preet NagarGuru Teg Bahadur NagarHaibowal KalanHalwaraHambran RoadHussainpuraIndustrial Area AIndustrial Area BJagraonJalandhar BypassJamalpurJanakpuriJandialiJanta EnclaveJanta NagarJaspal BangarJawaddiJawahar NagarJhande BaddowalJodhewalJugianaKakowal RoadKarimpuraKarnail Singh NagarKidwai NagarKitchlu NagarKochar MarketKoharaKohara Lakhowal Link RoadKot Mangal Singh NagarKrishna NagarLajpat NagarLalton KalanLe PalmLf RoadLodhi Club RoadLoharaMachhiwaraMadhuban EnclaveMaharaj NagarMalakpurMalerkotla RoadMall RoadMall EnclaveManna Singh NagarMaya NagarMiller GanjModel GramModel TownExtension AExtension BExtension DMullanpurNaulakha Garden ColonyNew AshapuriNew Kitchlu NagarNew Model TownNew Shakti NagarNew Tagore NagarNoorwala RoadOld Court RoadPakhowal RoadPansheel ViharPartap NagarPayalPhase 1Pratap PuraPreet NagarPrem NagarPunjab Mata NagarR.K. RoadRahon RoadRaikotRaj Guru NagarRajagardenRajguru NagarRajouri GardenRaman Enclave RoadRamesh NagarRani Jhansi RoadRanjit NagarRishi NagarSahnewalSalem TabriSarabha NagarSarinhSector 32 LudhianaSector 38Sector 39Sector 39-AShaheed Bhagat Singh NagarBalachaurShaheed Karnail Singh NagarShahid Jasdev Singh NagarSham NagarShant Park ColonyShastri NagarShingla EnclaveShivpuriSidhwan BetSidhwan Canal RoadSouth CitySuncitySunder NagarTagore NagarTajpur RoadThreeke RoadTransport NagarUdham Singh NagarUnder MclUpkar NagarUrban Estate Phase 1Urban Estate Phase 2Victoria GardensVictoria HomesVikas NagarAltos NagarGreater Kailash ColonySant NagarHari Singh NagarLaxmi NagarJoshi Nagarmore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Prime Property and Builders

  • karan bajaj
  • Civil Lines, Ludhiana

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Review & Rating of Prime Property and Builders

  • Anil Kumar

    Reviewed : Dec 18, 2020

    I have been consulting this real estate agent for around three years and my experience till now has been amazing. I contacted the agent regarding selling of a property and I ended up getting the best deal for it. Since then, I contact this agent for all my property related deals. Thank you for your consistent support.

  • Naresh

    Reviewed : Dec 11, 2020

    Owing to the high competition in the real estate sector, I got very confused as I have contacted different agents. At last, I came in contact with this real estate agent and stick with them as they have immense knowledge and offer surprising suggestions for the real estate investment. This was certainly one of the best decisions that I made.

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Prime Property and Builders Agent / +91-93161xxxxx
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