Playtor Developers

Playtor Developers

Ranjangaon, Pune
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About Playtor Developers

'Playtor' comes from the words play and liberator. True to its meaning, Playtor Childspaces aims at creating communities in the outskirts of major metropolitan cities of India. We at Playtor Childspaces believe that each development we undertake should enrich a community and provide the best environment for social growth. We are dedicated to developing happy, sustainable communities, advancing affordable housing and promoting learning and safety for children. All homes at Playtor Childspaces will be walking distance from a school and landscaped with child-friendly hubs like gardens and sport zones, ensuring a safe environment that fosters growth and freedom. Playtor will provide a great place for children to live, play and grow.
  • Areas of Operation

    PuneRanjangaonRanjangaon MIDC
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents

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Playtor Developers

  • Ranjangaon, Pune

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Playtor Developers Builder / +91-93704xxxxx
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