Pgs group of companies

Kundrathur, Kanchipuram
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About Pgs group of companies

PGS Group is a dynamic conglomerate with a strong presence in various industries, including real estate, beauty care, exports and imports, and production. As a leading real estate developer, we are committed to creating exceptional living spaces that inspire and integrate value creation, quality, modernity, and excellence. Our dedication to customer satisfaction, sustainable development, and ethical practices extends across all our endeavours. In the realm of beauty care, PGS offers a range of high-quality products and services designed to enhance your well-being. Our exports and imports division connects businesses with global markets, facilitating trade and fostering economic growth. Additionally, PGS's production ventures showcase our expertise in various creative fields, contributing to the cultural and economic landscape.
  • Areas of Operation

  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents

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Pgs group of companies

  • Mohana Krishnan
  • Kundrathur, Kanchipuram

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