Bhumla Real Estate

MIA, Alwar
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Deals in all types of Residential,Commercial,Industrial and Agricultural Properties in Alwar ,bhiwadi and jaipur
  • Areas of Operation

    BhiwadiAshiana BageechaAshiana GardensAshiana VillageAvalon RangoliBdi Sunshine CityBhagat Singh ColonyCosmos GreensDreamland CityGadpurGreater BhiwadiGreen CityGurgaon Jaipur HighwayKali KholiKaroliKhushkheraKhuskhera Industrial AreaKrish CityRIICO Industrial AreaRiico ChowkSector 3 UITSector 33Sector 5Sector 51Sector 54Sector 61more
    JaipurMansarovarSirsi RoadDiggi RoadBindayaka22 GodamAchrolFrontier ColonyAgra RoadBarwara House ColonyGangwal ParkGhijdh ViharGopal BadiShiivaji NagarAjmeri GateAmbabari ColonyAmberAmrapali NagarAnand LokAnsal APIApreal ParkArjun NagarVishveshvariya NagarAsalpurBairatBais GodamBajaj NagarAnita ColonyBambalaIndra ColonyBapu NagarBarkat NagarBasant ViharBeelwaBenad RoadBenar RoadBhambhoriaBhojpuraBichoonBichunBishangarhBrahmpuriBrij ColonyBrijlalpuraBurmese ColonyC SchemeCentral SpineChandpoleChandwajiChitrakootChittora JaipurChoti ChopadCivil LinesDCMDadi Ka PhatakDadu Dayal NagarDargah BazarDatika PhatikDaulatpuraDelhi RoadDhankyaDholpurDuduDurga ViharGayatri Nagar BJadon Nagar-BMahaveer Nagar 2Prithviraj NagarGajsinghpurGalta GateGandhi NagarGandhi PathGanesh NagarGanesh Nagar VistarGangapolGanpati Nagar ColonyGiriraj NagarGirnar ColonyGobind NagarGokulpuraGoner RoadGopal BariGopal Pura By PassGovindgarhGovindpuraGovindpuriGujarghatiHathodIndira Gandhi NagarJagatpuraKusum ViharMahal RoadRavindra NagarSector 11 Indira Gandhi NagarJaisinghpuraJaisinghpura KhorJamna PuriJamuna NagarJamwa RamgarhJanta ColonyJaswant NagarJawahar Lal Nehru MargJawahar NagarJawahar Nagar Sector 2Sector 3Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Jhotwara Industrial AreaDahar Ka BalajiNirmal ViharRaghunathpuriKalpana NagarKalwaraKalwar RoadKanakpuraKanautKanotaKanti NagarKundan NagarLalarpuraMI RoadMachedaMachwaMadhyam MargMahapuraMahatma Gandhi NagarMahesh NagarMahindra SEZMalpura RoadSector 1Sector 10Sector 11Sector 12Sector 13Sector 14Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Mandor JaipurMangal ViharMansarovar ExtensionSector 1Sector 12Sector 13Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8Sector 9Iskcon RoadMadhyam MargSector 10Sector 11Swarn PathVarun PathManyawasEngineers ColonyMarudhar NagarMata ColonyMeera MargModel TownMohru NagarMoti Doongri RoadMoti Lal Atal RoadMoti NagarMuhanaMuhana MandiMurlipuraNH 12NRI ColonyNahari Ka NakaNangal JaisabohraNarayan SaroverNarayan ViharNew Atish MarketNindarNirmohi NagarNiwaiNiwaru RoadNri HillsOfficers Campus ColonyOmaxe CityOmex CityPalace RoadPanchyawalaPaotaParth NagarPatrakar ColonyPink CityPratap NagarSector 6Prem NagarRaja ParkShahpuraSita Pur Industrial AreaSitapuraSuresh MargSurya NagarSushant CitySushilpuraSwage FarmSwapan LokSwej FarmTagore NagarTalaTaru Chhaya NagarThikariyaTilak NagarTonk PhatakShiv ColonyVasundhara ColonyTonk RoadTown RoadTransport NagarTripolia BazarTriveniUday PurVaishali NagarAditya ViharB BlockBlock CCosmo ColonyVijay EnclaveVardhman NagarVasant ViharVasundharaVatikaVatika Infotech CityVatika RoadSector 7Sector 8Sector 9Vidyut NagarVijay PathVirat Nagarmore
    AlwarManu MargJaipur RoadSiliserhSurya NagarMIAShanti Kunj200 Ft RoadAlwar Mega HighwaysAmbedkar NagarArya NagarAshok ViharBala QuilaBansurBasant ViharBehror VillageBelakaBhagwan nagarBhagwanpuraBudh ViharBurjaChandoliChikaniChirkhanaChurch RoadDaudpurDelhi Bypass RoadDholidubGanpati ViharGayatri Mandir RoadGhilothGovindgarhItaranaJanta ColonyJyoti NagarKahnawasKala KuanKati GhatiKeshav NagarKhairthalKhanpurKherliKirshangarhKishangarhKishanpurKotkasimLajpat NagarLaxmi NagarMala KheraMalviya NagarModigarh enclaveMohalariyanMoti DoongriMundawarMunshi BaghNEB ExtensionNaugaonNeemranaJapanese ZoneNehru NagarPaotaPiyush CityPratap NagarPrithvipuraRabarkaRajgarhRam NagarRamgarhRanjeet NagarRath NagarReniSakti NagarSariskaScheme No 2Scheme No 3 Basant ViharSector 7ShahjahanpurShalimarShivaji ParkSodawasTehlaThanagaziTijaraTijara RoadTransport NagarTulera HBUmrenVaishali NagarVijay NagarVirat Nagarmore
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    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments Villa
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Bhumla Real Estate

  • Pratish Bhumla
  • MIA, Alwar
  • 30+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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