Jewar, Gautam Buddha Nagar
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we are provided : authority plots, 7% kisan kota plots,agriculture land,etc.
  • Areas of Operation

    Gautam Buddha NagarDankaurJewar
    Greater NoidaHaibatpurPatwariRoza JalalpurGaur City 1Gaur City 2AchhejaAlpha 1Alpha Beta GamaAlpha CommercialAlpha Commercial BeltAlpha IIAmarpali GrandAnsal Golf Link 2Ansal Golf LinksAnsal Mega ArcadeAts ParadisoBadalpurBeta 1Beta 2BhanautaBhangelBirondaBlock A RHO 2BodakiChi 2Chi IVChi PhiChi VDelta IDelta IIDelta IIIDhoom ManikpurETA 1ETA 2Eastern Peripheral ExpresswayEcotechEcotech 4Ecotech I ExtensionEcotech IIEcotech II Udyog ViharEcotech IIIEcotech VIEcotech XIEcotech XIIFNG ExpresswayGT RoadGamma 1Gamma 2Gautam Budh NagarGc RoadGolf CourseGreater Noida WestGurjinder ViharIT Park/SEZJaitpur VillageJalvayu ViharJaypee GreensKasnaIndustrial AreaKhodna KalanKnowledge ParkKnowledge Park 1Knowledge Park 4Knowledge Park 5Kondali BangarKulesaraMain RoadNH 91NTPC SocietyNoida ExtensionOmega 1Omega 2Omaxe Nri CityOmicronOmicron 1Omicron 1AOmicron 2Omicron 3Pari ChowkSadullapurSector 1Sector 10Sector 12Sector 140Sector 149Sector 150Sector 16Sector 16ASector 16BSector 16CSector 2Sector 20Sector 22DSector 25Sector 27Sector 3Sector 31Sector 32Sector 36Sector 37Sector 4Sector 62Sector 63Sector 79Sector AlphaSector BetaSector Chi 3Sector Chi 4Sector Chi 5Sector DeltaSector ETASector GammaSector MU 1Sector MU 2Sector MuSector P2Sector P3Sector P4Sector P7Sector PhiSector Phi 2Sector Phi 3Sector Phi 4Sector PiSector Pi ISector Pi IISector TauSector Xu ISector Xu IISector Xu IIISector Zeta 1ShahberiSigma 1Sigma 2Sigma 3Sigma 4Site 4Site 5Site CSunpuraSurajapur Kasna RoadSurajpurSurajpur Site B IndustrialSurajpur Site C IndustrialSurajpur Site Iv IndustrialSurajpur Site V IndustrialSushant MegapolisSwaran NagriTechzoneTechzone 1Techzone 4Theta 2Tilapta VillageUPSIDCUdyog Vihar Phase 3Unitech CascadeUnitech HabitatUnitech HeightsVaidpuraYamuna Expresswaymore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Farm House Commercial Shops Showrooms Office Space Business Center Residential Land / Plots Farm / Agricultural Land Commercial Plots Industrial Land Guest House Hotel & Restaurant Warehouse / Godown Factory Penthouse Studio Apartments Villa
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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  • Kishor Kumar
  • Jewar, Gautam Buddha Nagar
  • 26+ Year of Experience
  • Has Upto 10 People working with him

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