NG Estates

NG Estates

Mall Road, Solan
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About NG Estates

NG Estates is an established real estate company with a strong reputation for quality and expertise. We are a group of resourceful, reputed and visionary entrepreneurs and industrialists with proven track record of successful endeavours, well-positioned to make a difference to the sustainability of our developments. Mr. Megh Raj Garg is a prominent social personality with a heart full of passion and determination sky high. As a successful industrialist with steel units in Himachal Pradesh, he has been involved in real estate industry as an investor from a very long time. Another positive force behind raising the levels of growth of the group is Mr. Rohit Garg, young and passionate. He is actively working in the same field, assisting his father at every step.
  • Areas of Operation

    SolanMall Road
  • Services Offered

    Builders Real Estate Agents

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NG Estates

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  • Mall Road, Solan

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NG Estates Builder / +91-62304xxxxx
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