Navbhoomi Realtech

Navbhoomi Realtech

Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad
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About Navbhoomi Realtech

Navbhoomi Realtech is a well established property service provider located in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. We are a real estate agent and offer services everywhere in Delhi & NCR at very reasonable charges. When we offer services to the client, we make sure the client suffers no hassles and troubles starting from booking the property till the time he or she has possessed the property. Our efforts are always inclined at bringing convenient and easy services to the clients. The dedicated team of customer executives at Navbhoomi Realtech would never tary your phone call and would pick up your call instantly. We are also happy to announce on this online platform that we are the channel partner of several reputed developers in India. Navbhoomi Realtech was launched in 2009, and is headed by Mr. Vinay Chaudhary. He has extensive experience in his domain and like every good leader never stops himself from giving his employees their due credit for their hard work and diligent services. He is very complacent about his passionate and highly experienced team of professionals that includes architects, engineers, Vastu consultants, law practitioners, etc. Navbhoomi Realtech provides client centric services and we have always kept the interest of the clients at the apex. We are respectful and amiable with the clients and never lose sight of our our goal to discern the expectations of the clients even if the client is rude or disruptive. Our services thrive on our ability to give contemporary solutions to all real estate related hiccups.
  • Areas of Operation

    GhaziabadRaj Nagar ExtensionShastri NagarIndirapuramNH 24 HighwayNH 58 HighwayShakti Khand 4Shakti khand
    NoidaSector 16Sector 62
    Greater NoidaSurajpur Site C IndustrialKnowledge Park 5Ecotech IIIGreater Noida WestSector 16BSector 16Sector 4Sector 1
  • Services Offered

    Vaastu Consultant Architects Real Estate Agents

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Navbhoomi Realtech

  • Mr. Vinay Chaudhary
  • Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad

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