Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur
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About Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. , invites you to join our ever-growing community of satisfied customers... into a world where dreams do come true... where unmatched quality goes hand-in-hand with affordable rates... where aesthetic beauty in a clean, green environment is coupled with all the essentials for practical living... an investment that is a celebration of your success.Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. has been in existence since 2000 and Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. is the flagship unit of the group. We provide luxury villas and apartments across Nagpur With the IT boom in full swing, Skyline Builders is providing housing facilities near 5 Star Industrial Estate Butibori...A narrow view of success is simply judging what is seen, but the root of sustained success is what we do and how we do it.We focus on the what we have and nurture it with care, because we know that the Company will grow only if the people associated with the company grow. Believers in Karma, we focus putting in our honest and sincere efforts in everything we do. We trust that if the input is meticulous and truthful, the esultant is automatic.
  • Areas of Operation

    NagpurPande LayoutSwavalambi NagarLaxmi Nagar
    PuneSwalanki Nagar
  • Services Offered

    Real Estate Agents

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Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd.

  • Mr. Yashwant Khodke
  • Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur

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Nanis Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Builder / +91-94221xxxxx
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