Mona Townships Pvt. Ltd

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About Mona Townships Pvt. Ltd

Mona greens ii on ambala chandigarh highway, Gazipur road, Zirkpur is under construction and will create a memorable experience for the home owners. It is being build with best of all technologies and staff giving their best to complete the task given and exceed the customers expectation. We have put a step forward in the industry by giving each project, A life. Mona greens ii offer 2 options in 3 bhk apartments with area of 1810 sq. Ft. & 1560 sq.Ft. That includes ground floor (Gf) and first floor with second floor (Ff & sf) respectively. The duplex apartment has a super area of 3120 sq.Ft with third and fourth floor of 1553 sq.Ft. And 1564 sq.Ft respectively. All options have spacious balconies for multiple side visibility. The complex has been conceptualized around a centralized park with ample play area.
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    Real Estate Agents Building Contractors

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Mona Townships Pvt. Ltd

  • Manish
  • Zirakpur

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Mona Townships Pvt. Ltd Agent / +91-95827xxxxx
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