mega builders

mega builders

Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar
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About mega builders

Mega Builders and Developers an ISO:9001 certified company was formed just twelve years back, comprising a team of registered architects and highly experienced professionals in the field of real- estate and construction. Our dream is to create home for millions of homeless. Our maiden projectTHE VILLAGE was just a humble beginning towards it. The Current project Aadya Palacewill strengthen our desire to achieve our mission. A commitment of self discipline, timely deliver, quality assurance and customor satisfaction has been the concept behind our reputation for years. The Project Aadya Palaceis launched at an environment of incomprable lifestyle of a gated community at Chandrasekharpur near Omfed square, Bhubaneswar . The project is near by 1kms. from NALCO Square, Omfed square, Kalinga hospital and Apollo hospital. Taking care of your budget with excelent qulity standards Aadya Palace offers you golden opportunity to make your dream come true at affordable budget with maximum facility.
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mega builders

  • Bhishmaranjan Mohapatra
  • Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar

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