Laxmi Housing Builders and Developers

Laxmi Housing Builders and Developers

Thane, Ambernath
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About Laxmi Housing Builders and Developers

A lot goes into creating a structure that envelopes a promise of strength, prosperity, conceptualization and a symbol of pride. We at Laxmi Housing ensure that we deploy perfection and nothing less in what we construct. Established in the year 1987, we have adorned the mission of developing structures that not just define strength and design, but also symbolize an element of growth in the realm of lifestyles, materials, inspiring designs and forward thinking. Every structure is a definition on its own, promising a brighter future that is backed by international standard amenities and eco-friendly solutions. On a constant drive towards creating a better world, we chart our route towards successful constructions that are based on innovative technologies, that are environment friendly as well as modern. Our team comprises of professionals and architects who hold reputed accolades in defining and implementing structures that are based on customer dreams and realistic solutions. With our prime focus on adopting a customer-centric approach in everything that we do, we create blueprints that are a glimpse of what the customer imagines, and what we as a developer build! we believe in creating tangible accolades and our structures speak for us!
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Laxmi Housing Builders and Developers

  • Kajal Kalra
  • Thane, Ambernath
  • Has Office in Ambernath, Thane

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Laxmi Housing Builders and Developers Builder / +91-74480xxxxx
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