Kriya Solutions

Kriya Solutions

Khidirpur, Kolkata
4.3   3 3 reviews
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About Kriya Solutions

Kriya Solution formerly M/s Realhomee Group is mainly a realty group in the Kolkata city handling prestigious projects. We are marketing the project of most of the reputed developers for their ongoing and upcoming projects in and around KOLKATA. Currently we are marketing more than (approx) 1 lac sq.ft. of Residential and Commercial space and are associated with well-known Developers like- Eden Group, Svarna Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, Ambalika Housing, Bengal Construction, Tanisha Developer, Swasatha Developer, Trans- Developer and many more.
  • Areas of Operation

    KolkataKhidirpurDesopriya ParkNarendrapurAJC Bose RoadAPC RoadAghore SaraniAirport RoadAjay NagarAjoy NagarAliporeAmtalaAnanda Pur Kasba Industrial EstateAnandapurAnandapur Kasba Industries Phase 3AndulAnwar Shah RoadAshok NagarAshutosh Mukherjee RoadSinthi MoreBBD BagBL Saha RoadBablatalaBaghajatinBaguiatiBaidyabatiBaisnab GhataBaktiar Shah RoadBakul BaganBakultalaBallygungeBallygunge Circular RoadBangurBantalaBaraBara BazarBaranagarBatanagarBatuliBeckbaganBediadangaBediaparaBehalaBehala ChowrastaBehala ThanaBehala Unique ParkBhattacharjee Para LocalitySenhati ColonyBeleghataBelghariaBeliaghataBentink StreetBhojerhatBhowaniporeBidhan SaraniBiratiBondal GateBonhooghlyBoral Main RoadBose ParaBosepukurBowbazarBrahmapurBrindavan GardenBudge BudgeBurdwanBuroshibtallaBurrabazar KolkataBypass RoadC. R. AvenueCalcutta GreensCamac Street AreaAnanda PalitChak GariaChakraberiaChandi Charan Ghosh RoadChetla RoadChinar ParkChingrighataChiriamoreChristopher RoadCit RoadCity Center 1CossiporeDakshindari RoadDakshineswarDankuniDarga RoadDeshbandhu NagarDhakuriaDhapaDhulagoriDiamond Harbour RoadDover LaneDum DumDunlopE M BypassEastern BypassElginElgin RoadEm Bypass ExtensionEntallyEsplanadeGanesh Chandra AvenueGanguly BaganGarchaGariaGaria Station RoadBidhan PallyKanugo ParkKanunho ParkLaxminarayan ColonyGariahatGhatakpukurGitanjali ParkGolaghata RoadGolf GardenGolf GreenGolf TowerGolparkGuru Saday RoadHaltuSucheta NagarHaridebpurHarinaviHarish Mukherjee RoadHastingsHatibaganHazraHiland ParkHindustan ParkHo Chi Minh SaraniHowrahHussainpurJadavpurJadhavpurJadubabur BazarJatin Das ParkJawaharlal Nehru RoadJessore RoadJodhpur ParkJodhpur ColonyJodhpur GardenJokaJowpur RoadKabardangaKachnaparaKadaparaKaikhaliKalighatKalikapurKalikapur Ekta GardensKalyaniKamalalaya CentreKamalgachiKamalgaziKamarhatiKankurgachiKaraya RoadKasbaKasba EastKunj ViharKeshtopurKeyatalaKhasmallikKhudiramKidderporeKona Exp WayKudghatLake AvenueLake GardensLake MarketLake TerraceLake TownBlock ABlock BLake View RoadLal BazarLansdownLee RoadLenin SaraniLouden StreetLower RangeMG RoadMadhyamgramMadurdahaMahamaya TalaMaheshtalaMangoe LaneManiktalaMankundu Station RoadManohar Pukur RoadMetropolitanMiddleton RowMiddleton StreetMinto ParkMominpurMonohar Pukur 2nd LaneMoore AvenueMotilal ColonyMotilal Gupta RoadMoulaliMukundapurMullickbazarN S C Bose RoadNager BazarNaktalaNarkel DangaNarkeldangaNayabadNetaji NagarNew AliporeNew GariaNew Market AreaNew TownAction Area IAction Area IINimtaNimtollaKolkataPaddapukurPaikparaPailanPanchasayarPanditiya RoadPark CircusPark StreetParnashreePaschim PutiaryPatipukurPatuliPhoolbaganPicnic GardenPicnic Garden RoadUttar Panchanna GramVip NagarPodaraPoddar Nagar IiPrince Anwar Shah Rd.Prince Gulam Md. Shah RoadPurba BarishaPurbalokPurna Das RoadR B ConnectorRabindra SaraniRabindra Sarova MetroRabindra SarovarRadhanath Chowdhury RoadRafi Ahmed Kidwai RoadRaghunathpurRaigachhiRaja Raj Ballav StreetRajabasanta Roy RoadRajarhatRajdanga Main RoadRamgarhRamkrishna NagarRamrajtalaRanikuthiRasapunjaRash BehariRawdon Street AreaRegent ParkRipon StreetRitchie RoadRowland RowRuby Hosp. Main RoadS. N. Baerjee RoadSahid NagarSakher BazarSalkiaSalt LakeBlock A Sector 1Block A Sector 2Block AABlock BBlock B Sector 1Block B Sector 2Block C Sector 1Block C Sector 2Block C Sector 3Block D Sector 1Block D Sector 2Block D Sector 5Block E Sector 1Block E Sector 2Block E Sector 3Block E Sector 5Block F Sector 2Block F Sector 3Block G Sector 3Block G Sector 5Block H Sector 3Block I Sector 3Block J Sector 3Block K Sector 3Block L Sector 3Sector 1Sector 2Sector 3Sector 5Block CMahabir VikasSraboni AbassanSukanta NagarSantoshpurSapuiparaSarani KalindiSarat Bose RoadSarat Chatterjee RoadSarsunaSatyajit KananSeal LaneSealdahSelimpurShakespeare SaraniShantinikatanShayamnagar RoadShinti MoreShobhabazar StreetShyam BazaarShyamnagarShyampurSilparaSinthiSodepurSonarpurSoroban Bose RoadSouth AvenueSouth Canal RoadSouth CitySovabazarSwabhumiSwinhoe LaneTagore ParkTaltalaTangraTara ParkTara TalaTaruliaTeghoriaThakurpukurTheatre RoadTollygungeTopsiaTriangular ParkUltadangaUniworld CityUttarpara Ramlal Dutta RoadV I P RoadVivekananda NagarWellingtonWeston Streetmore
  • Property Deals In

    Flats / Apartments Independent House Builder Floor Penthouse Studio Apartments
  • Services Offered

    Builders Interior Decorators Real Estate Agents Building Contractors Property Consultants

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Kriya Solutions

  • Rupanjan
  • Khidirpur, Kolkata

Properties for Sale by Kriya Solutions

Review & Rating of Kriya Solutions

  • P.ramadas Nair

    Reviewed : Apr 26, 2019

    I wanted to sell my commercial property and thus contacted this real estate agent. The agent helped me in reaching out to a wider audience. The agent was very helpful and always suggested me whatever benefits me the most. Owing to this agent, I cracked the best deal for my property.

  • Ami

    Reviewed : Apr 19, 2019

    This real estate agent has been a constant support for me when I was looking for a property to purchase in the outskirts. I wanted to have a property according to my requirements and as per my budget. This real estate agent has helped me a lot in obtaining the apt property for myself. Thank You!

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Kriya Solutions Agent / +91-94330xxxxx
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